Practical Information for New Students
From A-Z

Application Process
Academic Calendar
Buddy System
Diploma Supplement
ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
Entry to Austria
Before travelling to Austria please bear in mind the legal regulations pertaining to foreign nationals regarding visas and residence permits (student). After arriving in Austria you have to fulfill the regulations and register yourself at your place of residence within 3 days after your arrival in Ausria.
The Database Entry and Residence for Students and Researchers will help you to find the right visa or residence title for you. Please start your query and select the button that applies to you.
National Health Insurance
Austria has a good public national insurance system with local public providers (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse) in all nine federal states. Under certain conditions, foreign national insurance carriers cover the costs for medical treatment of acute illness in Austria. Therefore, we recommend you to contact your health insurance provider in your home country and enquire about this and if available, procure the necessary forms from them.
If you are a student or visiting researcher from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and are in possession of valid national health insurance in your home country, you need the European Health Insurance Card. This card is issued by your health insurance provider.
Bachelor's or Master's Degree students as well students of Preparation Programmes who do not fall into the above-mentioned categories may take themselves out a health insurance policy ("Studierendenselbstversicherung") with the relevant "Gebietskrankenkasse".
Self-insured students have to pay an insurance fee of approx. EUR 65 per month.
more infos here
Services for Students
Student Ambassadors
Study Finder
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