Photo Contest

Every year, a number of our students decide to do a semester or internship abroad while we also welcome many students from other countries: Maybe you are one of them! In this case, we would like to invite you to participate in our photo competition “Postcards from abroad”! 

To join this contest, please send us your pictures of beautiful places you visited, interesting people you met, crazy things you perhaps did, or adventures you experienced during your stay abroad.

Win great prizes!

The best pictures will be awarded with fantastic prizes—Amazon vouchers, FH UA-Goodies such as powerbanks, hoodies, backpacks and more!

All you need to know about the contest

Who can participate?

Every student of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus who has undertaken an internship or semester abroad and is still registered as a student. Incoming students who spent a semester or two at Hagenberg campus are also welcome to join the contest and send us photos of their stay in Austria. Only one participation per stay abroad is possible.

How many pictures can be submitted?

You may send us up to three photos.

Which format and resolution should the pictures have?

Please submit your photos as .jpg with a resolution of 300dpi.

When is the deadline for the contest?

Until Sunday, 23.06.2024.

How should the pictures be submitted?

Please send the pictures via e-mail, along with the following details:

Outgoing students:

  • Name
  • Study programme
  • Year and duration of your semester/internship abroad
  • Country and University/Company of your stay
  • Further details regarding your semester abroad/internship (courses taken, description of your responsibilities)
  • Things you liked most during your stay abroad
  • And MOST IMPORTANT: a description of your pictures

Incoming students:

  • Name
  • Year and duration of your stay in Hagenberg
  • Home university and country
  • Things you liked most during your stay at our University/in Austria
  • And MOST IMPORTANT: a description of your pictures

Do I have to be in the picture?

No, but it would be great :-)

What other terms and conditions of participation do I need to be aware of?

You agree that your photo and name may be posted free of charge on the website and social media channels of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Faculty Hagenberg. In addition, you also agree that your photo may be used free of charge for the communication/application of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Faculty Hagenberg and may be used for its printed materials, advertising materials and online media such as homepage, newsletter etc.. In return, you have the right to be named as the source of your photo.

Who is going to vote for the pictures?

There will be a jury vote and a public vote.
In the jury voting, a jury of faculty members will select the best photos.
The public voting will take place via SurveyLegend where you can vote for the best 3. Whoever has received the most votes for their photo by Wednesday, 28.06.2024 (1 p.m.) is the winner of this voting.

The decision will be announced on the website and the social media channels of the FH Upper Austria Faculty Hagenberg on Wednesday, 28.06.2024.

When and where will the winners be announced?

The winners will be announced on this website on Wednesday, 26.06.2024. The winners will also be notified by email. Legal recourse is excluded, no cash redemption possible.