Campus Rules
A teaching and research institution needs behavioral rules for certain areas for the numerous people working on the Campus. Considerate behavior is expected from all who use the rooms and facilities of Hagenberg Campus. Our campus rules regulate the general conditions for the use of our infrastructure.
All rules and guidelines are available on our homepage in the currently valid version. For students these rules and guidelines are part of their educational contract. Ignorance does not protect against the consequences of violation.
House Rules
1. Scope of Application
The House Rules are valid for all users, especially students, and internal and external employees of the School of Informatics, Communication and Media, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Softwarepark 11, 4232 Hagenberg, and apply to all rooms and areas belonging to it. A campus and room map is published on our website.
For students and participants of classes the House Rules are part of the educational contract. Ignorance does not protect against the consequences of violation.
2. General
All users are obliged to take the greatest possible care of all buildings and all adjacent areas (rooms and their equipment, outdoor area, (bicycle) parking areas, underground parking, etc.). Careful and considerate use of the facilities reduces repair, operational and maintenance costs. Smoking in the rooms of the campus is strictly forbidden. Any kind of party-political activity is prohibited.
3. Access Control System
Most rooms and thus also our technical facilities are secured with an electronic access control system. The (student) ID card enables users to unlock certain rooms. The ID card must be used carefully, as all transactions are logged. It is not allowed to manipulate the electronic access control system, e.g. "putting a dustbin in the door" to keep the door open. If any kind of equipment of this room is “lost” during the period when the door was kept open, the person(s) registered by the access control system will be held responsible. In some particularly "sensitive" laboratories, in stairwells and corridors, as well as in the area of entrance doors and parking lots a video surveillance system has been installed that allows recording over a period of days.
4. Noise prevention
Out of respect for colleagues, we ask to keep quiet in front of lecture halls, labs, etc. Conversations are to be held at a tolerable level. If an above-average noise level is required (events, start-up of machines, etc.) the administration must be informed in advance.
5. Parking Spaces
Designated parking spaces are available for students in the open-air area behind the FH3 building and student dormitory 6. There are four e-charging stations, powered by Linz AG in the parking lot behind FH3, where e-cars can be charged around the clock.
The underground car park of Hagenberg Campus and the e-charging stations located there are exclusively for authorized persons. The guest parking spaces of Hagenberg campus in the entrance area of the underground car park must be kept free. Public parking spaces are marked on the campus map. Escape routes and fire department access roads must be kept clear under all circumstances. Illegally parked vehicles will be towed away at the expense of the vehicle owner.
6. Parking of Bicycles
Parking spaces for bicycles are located in the underground car park between the buildings FH1 and FH2.
7. Bringing Animals
The bringing of animals is generally prohibited. Employees and students who are dependent on dogs to compensate for their impairment or for therapeutic purposes can apply to the Dean's Office for an exception.
8. Lockers
In front of lecture hall HS2 in the FH1 building there are lockers (wardrobe lockers) which can be rented by students. When the key is issued a deposit of € 7.00 must be paid, which will be refunded when the key is returned. The amount of the rent depends on the rental period and is € 3.00 for one semester. Please contact the administration, FH1, level 1.
9. Pictures and Video Recordings
Students acknowledge that pictures and video recordings made by the FH Upper Austria on campus (especially at events) may be used for documentation and public relations purposes. Without exception, pictures and sound recordings of courses are only permitted with the prior consent of the lecturers.
10. Consumption of Food and Beverages
Eating and drinking is not permitted in instructional classrooms.
11. Laboratory Rules
The premises are to be left in proper condition. At the end of a practical class – especially if it is the last class of the day – it must also be ensured that the screens and the lighting (NOT the PCs!) are switched off. Make sure that all windows are closed when leaving the room. The network cabling of the PCs in the laboratory must not be changed. Damage and malfunctions must be reported immediately: IT Service Desk (+43 50804, ext. 15 000 or
In almost all laboratories and lecture halls there are telephones for internal calls to other Hagenberg Campus extensions as well as for emergency calls: fire department (122), ambulance (144) and police (133).
12. Safety
The storage or use of flammable, explosive, or toxic materials on campus, as well as the carrying of dangerous objects, such as weapons, etc. is prohibited. Leaning out of windows or throwing objects of any kind out of windows is prohibited. For the use of the various equipment (passenger elevators, freight elevators, technical equipment, etc.), the relevant operating instructions must be observed, and the instructions of the trained personnel must be followed. It must be ensured that escape routes and exits are kept clear in accordance with fire regulations. Fire doors closing off fire and smoke compartments must not be fixed in an open position so that their function as closing doors is not affected. At this point it is explicitly referred to the fire protection regulations and to the information on "Behavior in case of fire".
13. Waste Disposal
For the disposal of any kind of waste, the containers provided for this purpose must be used. It is forbidden to deposit waste in any other place (even next to the waste containers). Bulky waste is to be taken away by the user. Cigarette butts are to be disposed of in the ashtrays provided. No solid objects (leftovers, etc.) may be thrown into the drains in the sanitary facilities. It is also forbidden to empty liquids that could clog or contaminate the drains.
14. Snow Removal
Snow removal is organized by Hagenberg Campus. Driveways and sidewalks must remain clear so that snow removal is not impeded.
15. General Information Boards and Notices
Notices and posters may only be published on the information boards designated for this purpose and only with the approval of the administration (signature, stamp). The permission to use information boards will be revoked if they are repeatedly misused.
16. Liability
Users are obliged to compensate for any damage to the common rooms and equipment caused by their negligent or reckless behavior due to non-observance of these house rules. The repair of damage or cleaning of soiled areas/surfaces is to be arranged by the liable users at their own expense. If the damage is not repaired within a reasonable period, the School of Informatics, Communications and Media can place an order requiring the users concerned to repair the damage at their own expense. Damage to water pipes, drainage pipes as well as roof damage must be reported immediately to the building management. The same applies to other incidents of importance to the general public such as fire, burglary, etc. - even if these only affect parts of the facility. The liability also extends in the same way to relatives, visitors, craftsmen, etc.
Guidelines for the Use of Facilities
1. User Authorization
The degree programmes provide an efficient infrastructure with a high-performance network, telecommunications, computer and A/V equipment. Students receive a user authorization and thereby become users.
In special cases, the user authorization can be restricted, denied, or made dependent on proof of specific knowledge or skills.
Passing on the user authorization and/or passwords to other persons is not permitted and will result in the revocation of the user authorization for a period of at least one month. Users who misuse the assigned resources in any way – e.g. by improper use of network resources such as websites, e-mail, and FTP services, etc. – or who do not comply with the study regulations may have their user authorization revoked by the respective head of studies.
The user authorization expires at the date students officially leave the institution (with or without completing their studies) or when the user authorization is revoked. After this period, all access authorizations and stored user data are deleted.
2. Rights and Duties
In accordance with the user authorization users are entitled to use the facilities, equipment and assigned resources necessary to complete their respective degree programme with due diligence.
Users are responsible for the proper use of their user authorization. In case of willful and/or negligent damage, the user is liable for damages.
If copies of programmes and/or of data provided by the degree programmes are made illegally, the users are liable to the licensor and/or owner.
The stipulations of the copyright law and the licensing rights must be observed in all cases.
In addition, the unauthorized installation of any software without consulting the course lecturer is strictly prohibited.
Any misuse and violation of criminal law provisions by the user (e.g. violation as defined in the law of re-engagement in National Socialist activities or pornography) will be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities.
3. Terms fo Use for the Internet Portal
The use of any information or material is at your own risk. In the event of any damage, the University of Applied Sciences as the operator of this portal cannot be held liable.
Users agree that they will not perform any of the following actions while using this portal:
- Access to devices or resources to which users do not have access rights;
- copying or reproducing any data protected by copyright without the explicit permission of the copyright holder;
- conducting any attacks on the network, such as port scans, DoS/DDoS attacks, packet floods, replays or injection, session hijacking or interception, or similar activities;
- the spread of any malicious software, such as viruses, Trojans, worms, etc.;
- installing software that manipulates hardware or software of any devices, such as key loggers, registry keys or other executable programs, such as scripts or active applications.
Users commit to:
- Use the access provided with full responsibility and consideration for the safety and privacy of all other users and network resources;
- not to intentionally access or distribute any discriminatory, pornographic, violent or illegal content of any form through this portal;
- not to set up or operate individual WLAN hotspots within the school’s premises, (especially with smartphones and other mobile devices). Note: The operation of private hotspots is strictly prohibited (e.g. download of large files without study relevance etc.) to avoid disturbances and impairments of the local WLAN!
- As the provider of these services, the school reserves the right to record and monitor any communication that takes place through this portal to ensure compliance with these rules.
- Users acknowledge that any violation of these rules may lead to immediate revocation of access rights and, in serious cases, to claims for compensation and charges.
4. Student ID Card
Upon enrollment, students receive an ID card that is used for the electronic access system of the buildings of Hagenberg Campus as well as for printing and copying. If an ID card is negligently damaged or lost, € 10.00 will be charged to issue a new ID card. The validity of the ID card can be extended at the service point in FH2, level 2, if the enrollment is valid.
5. Data Backup
In general users are responsible for backing up any user-specific programmes and/or data, and for protecting themselves against improper use, loss, or destruction of their data.
Due to the large amount of data, it is currently technically impossible to create backup copies of all user data at short intervals. In case of a total server malfunction the loss of one’s own data is to be expected. It is strongly recommended to back up all important data on private data storage media (e.g., CD-R, DVD or USB stick) on a regular basis.
6. Data Protection
For the processing of personal data of natural persons, the legal requirements of the national Data Protection Act (DSG) and the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO) must be complied with. Information on the processing of personal data at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria can be found in the privacy statement at
Staff members of degree programmes are authorized to check all stored data of the users in case of suspicion of misuse of the IT infrastructure, or in case of violation of the usage guidelines as well as to monitor the data traffic caused by individual users, if necessary. All network accesses can be logged and checked.
The data of each computer user, in particular passwords and e-mail messages, is subject to privacy protection and privacy of correspondence. Passing on access data to third parties or the enabling of unauthorized access to the IT infrastructure by third parties is not permitted and will result in disciplinary proceedings.
7. Web Pages
In the context of courses and/or on private initiative, users can create official and/or private websites on servers and publish them via the Internet. In principle, users are responsible for the content of these websites.
It is prohibited to publish or present offensive, indecent (e.g. sexist or pornographic), racist or criminal (e.g. computer viruses) content or links to such content. In addition, no content protected by copyright or links to such content are allowed. Included links must not be protected by passwords.
Web pages must not be used for commercial purposes and must not contain advertising (e.g. banners).
The setup of gateway sites that only allow access to other homepages is also prohibited.
In general, any procedure or activity that could harm the reputation or standing of the degree programmes or staff is prohibited.
8. Sanctions
In case of violation, the following measures will be taken depending on the offense: deletion of the files concerned, temporary or permanent revocation of user authorization, filing of a complaint with the police (in case of criminal context), severe cases may warrant that the offender be expelled from the university.
Library Rules
The library is accessible for all members of the UAS Upper Austria (= employees and students), its alumni and all interested external persons. Electronic resources can be accessed from all computers within the campus network. Further information: 1.9 Electronic resources - terms of use.
1.1. Contact, opening hours, library search engine
Christa Meisinger, Phone: 050804 21522
Mag.a Susanna Mersits, Phone 050804 24020
For the opening hours please visit:
The library is closed during holiday times and in exceptional cases on prior notice.
library search engine PRIMO:
1.2 Conduct guidelines
Please leave your bags in the lockers near the entrance. Upon request, you may be expected to open your bags, backpacks etc. for inspection.
Facilities of the library should be used for studying purposes. All library users are requested to behave considerately, also with regard to hygiene and safety. Any misbehaviour that interferes with library service (e.g. eating, drinking, telephone conversations, listening to music, bringing pets etc.) is prohibited. In the case of repeated disruptive behaviour, the users can be prohibited from using the library. The library is not liable for the loss or damage to any property taken into the library.
Library users are responsible for obeying all copyright and ownership issues in regards to the duplication of media and other contents.
1.3 Checking out resources
Library materials may only be checked out in person with an official piece of identification. Library usage is free of charge for all members of the UAS Upper Austria. Full-time staff of the School of Informatics, Communications and Media have unlimited access to library materials required for current teaching and research activities. If one of these materials is currently checked-out and needs to be accessed by a student, a request can be filed with the librarian. Part-time staff may borrow materials until the end of the respective semester. Access to the library for non-institutional members is decided on a case-by-case basis and requires a deposit. Without exception, no access to Diploma / Master's theses with restricted access will be granted during the blocking period.
Standard period of loan:
- Books: 2 weeks, 4 weeks for master thesis students
- Diploma / Master's theses: 4 weeks
- DVDs, CD-ROMs: 1 week
- Journals: 1 week
Maximum number of loans:
- Standard: 10 resources
- Master thesis student: 20 resources
1.4 Extension of loan period
If no reservation has been made for the material in question, the loan period can be extended for two additional weeks (or up to four weeks for master thesis students) provided that this is done before the due date. It is not possible to extend the loan period for CD-ROMs, DVDs, theses, and journals.
Renewals can be made independently in the library search engine PRIMO under “Anmelden/Sign In”.
In special cases, library personnel may request borrowed items to be returned before the original due date.
1.5 Return
Resources have to be returned or extended independently before the return date without waiting for a return reminder.
1.6 Late fee
A late fee of 10 cents per day and media will be charged. An extension of the loan period is no longer possible after it has expired.
1.7. Damage or loss of media
All library property must be treated with care. In the event a resource is damaged or lost, the library staff shall decide whether and in which form the media has to be replaced. The borrower will be charged for any extra costs. When reproducing media, users are responsible for compliance with existing copyright regulations. The Library assumes no liability for damages resulting from the use of the media provided.
1.8 Resource requests
Requests for resources can be done via library search engine PRIMO. Users will be notified by e-mail as soon as the items become available. Requested items have to be collected within one week.
1.9 Electronic resources - terms of use
Please be aware that all databases licensed by UAS Upper Austria are restricted by copyright. Access to electronic full texts is restricted to all members of the UAS Upper Austria. Full texts may only be printed or downloaded for personal use and for research purposes. Systematic downloads of search results and full texts, particularly using robots, are not permitted. Full texts may not be made available to third persons in electronic or print form.
1.10 Inter library loan
Inter-library loan is exclusively reserved for members of the UAS Upper Austria. Conditions for inter-library loans (periods, lending possibilities) follow the guidelines of the supplying library. For inter-library loan orders among Austrian networked libraries, a fee of € 3.00 is charged; for inter-library loan orders outside Austrian networked libraries min € 10.00. For paper orders, the costs incurred are clarified in advance. Inter library loan requests may also be refused for reasons of cost or capacity.
1.11 Release from liability after leave
If students officially leave the university for any reason (e.g. after graduation or dropping out) they will receive their certificates only after they have been released from liability, i.e. after all library resources have been returned.
1.12 Data Protection
The following personal data of our library users are processed: name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, gender, study programme/registration number, items borrowed/deadlines/fees, campus/location etc.. This is required for the administration of the library. Personal data are recorded in the library system and processed for the administration of media (procurement, borrowing, returns, reminders etc.). The data are transferred to the Austrian Library Network and Service Ltd, Vienna/Austria (OBVSG), which hosts the library system.
The library saves personal data at least for the duration of study and / or employment at the FH Upper Austria and for longer, if necessary, in accordance with point (f) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR, to be able to access the relevant student's / employee’s borrowing history to provide them with information. Personal data of external readers are deleted 3 years after their last activity.
You can find further information – in particular concerning the rights of data subjects – in our Privacy Statement at
Fire Safety Regulations
The following Fire Safety Regulations apply to all premises of Hagenberg Campus:
Links to:
First Safety Regulations
Fire Alarm Plan
Behavior in Case of Fire
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