Master, Vollzeit, Berufsbegleitend

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The History
Impressions of the last InnoCamp36®
THAT WAS InnoCamp36® 2024 - 22TH / 23TH OCTOBER 2024:
Where Visions Become Reality - The Innovation Event for International Business Champions
Management students from 22 countries had 36 hours to develop extraordinary ideas and solutions for nine well-known companies and to give free rein to their creativity. The Global Sales and Marketing team at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr has been organizing this unique format for students since 2013. Only English was spoken in the team and during the presentation.
“InnoCamp36 is an excellent opportunity to network the university of applied sciences, companies, students and pupils and strengthens the already excellent cooperation between the economy and the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences,” says initiator Margarethe Überwimmer, Head of studies Global Sales and Marketing.
The 80 participants had 36 hours to develop ideas and work out solutions in a special design thinking process and present the best idea. The questions came from well-known international companies, such as Biohort, ENGEL, Kappa, Miba, NIMBUSCLOUD, Phylos, Silhouette International, TGW and voestalpine. In the end, each team had to pitch their solutions to the high-caliber jury within 360 seconds.
Project on the skills of employees and managers in a modern international company takes first place.
First place went to the team from TGW Logistics, which came up with exciting solutions for developing the skills and competencies of employees and managers in a modern international company. The winners' hard work was rewarded with a lucrative prize.
Jürgen Roithmeier, Director of MINDtastic TGW: “InnoCamp36 is a format that wonderfully combines the knowledge gained from professional training with the light-heartedness of the younger generation. This enables a unique creative process for the tasks of the companies and creates enormous added value far beyond the two days.”
“InnoCamp36 was a great experience with many challenges and learnings. My team and I are very proud of our achievement of finding a convincing solution to a complex problem within 36 hours. The most difficult part was probably the fact that the team members did not know each other beforehand and we first had to develop a group dynamic. However, each and every one of us was actively involved and we managed to create a highly motivated atmosphere that ultimately brought us victory,” says student Matthias Klinser from the GSM Master's program. He and his team won first prize for TGW.
Second prize went to the project group from Miba Gleitlager. This involved innovative marketing and sales strategies to increase awareness among target groups with less affinity to new media.
The Silhouette team came third with the development of innovative concepts for changing sales channels.
Initiator Margarethe Überwimmer is proud of the results: “Everyone showed an extremely high level of commitment and delivered an excellent performance. The atmosphere was fantastic and the participants were totally committed. InnoCamp36 stands for networking between universities of applied sciences, companies, students and pupils.”
About the InnoCamp36®
InnoCamp36 was initiated by Margarethe Überwimmer, Head of Global Sales and Marketing at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr, in 2013 and has taken place almost every year since then. Nine companies and one project team of eight to ten members each - including students, exchange students and pupils - were motivated to take part this year. The groups have 36 hours to develop their ideas on the questions posed by the companies on the topics of marketing, sales and international business and must present them to the jury in 360 seconds. The prize money is provided by the participating companies.
The participating companies & sponsors:
- Biohort GmbH
- Engel Austria GmbH
- Kappa Filter Systems GmbH
- Miba Gleitlager Austria GmbH.
- Nimbuscloud GmbH.
- Phylos
- Silhouette International Schmied AG
- TGW Logistics Group GmbH.
- voestalpine Stahl GmbH
InnoCamp36® 2024

THAT WAS InnoCamp36® 2023 - 24TH / 25TH OCTOBER 2023:
And the winner is... 1st place for business models for smart locking systems
Management students from 27 countries had 36 hours to develop unusual ideas and solutions for eight well-known companies and give free rein to their creativity. The Global Sales and Marketing team at the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences Campus Steyr has been organizing this unique format forstudents for 10 years in which only English is spoken both during teamwork and during the presentations.
"InnoCamp36® is an excellent opportunity to build networks between the university of applied sciences, companies, students and pupils and strengthens the already excellent cooperation between businesses and the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences," says initiator and course director Margarethe Überwimmer.
The 75 participants had 36 hours to generate ideas and work out solutions via a special design thinking process and to present the best idea. The questions came from well-known international companies, including ENGEL, Fronius, Internorm, Merlin Technology, RUBBLE MASTER, Silhouette International, TGW and voestalpine. In the end, each team had to pitch their solutions to the jury of top experts within 360 seconds.
Project on marketing and sales of air humidification systems for an optimal indoor climate in production halls and offices won first place
First place went to the Merlin Technology team, which developed exciting solutions for lead generation and lead qualification using artificial intelligence. The winners' hard work was rewarded with a generous prize.
Markus Karl from Merlin Technologies: "We are proud of our InnoCamp36® project team. The students and pupils from a wide range of nations have generated exciting and innovative solutions for us. We look forward to putting the ideas and content into practice in the future."
"InnoCamp36 offers an excellent opportunity to collaborate with exciting companies and solve forward-looking issues together with students and pupils from different countries," says GSM Master's student Andriy Saviyevskyy. He and his team won first prize for the company Merlin Technologies.
Second prize went to the project group from Fronius. This involved innovative sales strategies to provide even better service to end customers.
Harald Langeder (CTO of Fronius): "InnoCamp36® is a great opportunity to generate completely new and fresh approaches to solutions. The Fronius project group was able to take a successful look behind the scenes of Austrian solar technology and the resulting enthusiasm for renewable energy is more than gratifying for us. We are proud of the creative result of a young, motivated team and would like to thank them for their excellent cooperation."
The Silhouette team took third place with the development of innovative concepts for personalizing and individualizing the customer journey.
Michael Schmied (CMO of Silhouette): "The quality and creativity of the InnoCamp36 students' ideas and presentations on the various technological and economic tasks was impressive."
Initiator Margarethe Überwimmer is proud of the results: "Everyone showed an extremely high level of commitment and delivered an excellent performance. The atmosphere was fantastic and the participants were totally committed. InnoCamp36 stands for the networking of universities of applied sciences, companies, students and pupils."
About the InnoCamp36®
InnoCamp36® was initiated by Margarethe Überwimmer, Head of Global Sales and Marketing studies and research at the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences Campus Steyr, 10 years ago and has taken place almost every year since then. Eight companies and one project team of nine to ten members each - including students, exchange students and pupils - were motivated to take part this year. The groups have 36 hours to develop their ideas on the questions posed by the companies on the topics of marketing, sales and international business and must present them to the jury in 360 seconds. The prize money is provided by the participating companies.
The participating companies & sponsors:
- Engel Austria GmbH
- Fronius International GmbH
- Internorm International GmbH
- Merlin Technology GmbH
- Silhouette International Schmied AG
- TGW Logistics Group
- voestalpine Stahl GmbH
InnoCamp36® 2023

InnoCamp36® 2022

InnoCamp36® 2022 Award ceremony

InnoCamp36® 2022 Award ceremony

InnoCamp36® 2022 Impressions

InnoCamp36® 2022 Impressions

InnoCamp36® 2022 Group voestalpine

InnoCamp36®2022 3rd prize

InnoCamp36®2022 2nd prize

InnoCamp36®2022 1st prize
THAT WAS InnoCamp36® 2022 - 19TH / 20TH OCTOBER 2022:
And the winner is... 1st place for an innovative, international market entry strategy
Management students from 24 nations had 36 hours to develop extraordinary ideas and solutions for nine well-known companies and to give free rein to their creativity. The InnoCamp36 took place for the seventh time at the FH OÖ Campus Steyr. Only English was spoken in the team and during the presentations.
"InnoCamp36® is an excellent opportunity to network the University of Applied Sciences, companies, students and pupils and strengthens the already excellent cooperation between business and FH Upper Austria", says initiator and head of the study program Margarethe Überwimmer.
The 94 participants had 36 hours to work out and present their project. The tasks came from well-known internationally oriented companies, including Fabasoft, evil eye / Silhouette, coface, TGW, Fronius, voestalpine, Merlin, Trotec and Rosenbauer. At the end, each group had to present their solutions to the jury within exactly 360 seconds.
The project about the international market entry of a young, innovative brand in first place
First place went to the team from evil eye, which came up with exciting solutions for future markets and the distribution of innovative eyewear. The hard work of the winners was rewarded with a generous prize.
Michael Schmied, owner and CEO of Silhouette: "We are proud of our InnoCamp36 project team. The students and pupils from different nations have generated exciting ideas for the market entry of our young brand evil eye. We look forward to putting the solution approaches into practice in the future."
"The InnoCamp36® is a great platform to get in contact with exciting companies and to solve problems of the future with students and pupils from different nations," says student Nemeth Luca from the GSM Master’s programme. She and her team won first prize for the evil eye brand.
Second prize went to the project group from Trotec. The focus was on innovative sales strategies for a community-driven software product.
The team from Rosenbauer came third with the development of innovative, resilient and sustainable concepts for the fire departments of the future.
Initiator Margarethe Überwimmer is proud of the results: "Everyone put in a great performance. The atmosphere was excellent and the participants were totally committed. InnoCamp36 stands for networking between universities of applied sciences, companies, students and pupils."
About InnoCamp36®
InnoCamp36 was initiated by Margarethe Überwimmer, head of the Global Sales and Marketing program at FH OÖ Campus Steyr, and took place for the sixth time this year. Nine companies and one project group of ten members each - including students, exchange students and pupils - could be motivated to participate this year. The groups have 36 hours to work out their ideas concerning marketing and sales questions posed by the companies and have to present them to the jury in 360 seconds. Prize money is provided by the participating companies.
The participating companies & sponsors:
- Coface Austria Kreditversicherung Service GmbH
- Fabasoft International Services GmbH
- Fronius International GmbH
- Merlin Technology GmbH
- Rosenbauer International AG
- SILHOUETTE International Schmied AG
- TGW Logistics Group GmbH
- Trotec Laser GmbH
- voestalpine Steel GmbH
THAT WAS InnoCamp36® 2021: 20TH/21ST OCTOBER 2021
And the winner is... 1st place for business models around smart locking systems
Management students from 25 nations had 36 hours to develop extraordinary ideas and solutions for ten well-known companies and to give free rein to their creativity. InnoCamp36® took place for the sixth time at the FH OÖ Campus Steyr. Only English was spoken in the teams and during the presentations.
"InnoCamp36® is an excellent opportunity to network the University of Applied Sciences, companies, students and pupils and strengthens the already excellent cooperation between business and the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences," says initiator and programme director Margarethe Überwimmer.
The 89 participants had 36 hours to work on and present their project. The tasks came from well-known internationally oriented companies, including Berner, Business Upper Austria, Kappa Filter Systems, Lely, Merlin Technology, RUBBLE MASTER, STIWA, Sumitomo Demag, Trotec and voestalpine. At the end, each group had to present their project to the jury within exactly 360 seconds.
Project about marketing and sales of innovative, smart systems awarded first place
First place goes to the STIWA team, which developed exciting solutions for future markets and the distribution of innovative, smart systems. The hard work of the winners was rewarded with a lucrative prize.
Josef Brandmayr, Managing Director of STIWA Advanced Products: "We are proud of our InnoCamp36® project team. The students and pupils from a wide range of nations generated exciting and innovative approaches to solutions for the market entry of innovative, smart locking systems. We look forward to putting the ideas and content into practice in the future."
"InnoCamp36® is a great platform to get in touch with exciting companies and to solve problems of the future with students and pupils from different nations," says student Carola Kressl (35) from the GSM Master's programme. She and her team won first prize for the company STIWA.
Second prize goes to the project group from Merlin Technology. It was about innovative sales strategies around humidification technologies.
The team from Kappy Filter Systems came in third place with the development of innovative concepts to raise awareness among decision-makers about preventive health and well-being in offices and salesrooms.
Initiator Margarethe Überwimmer is proud of the results: "Everyone did a great job. The atmosphere was excellent, and the participants were totally committed. InnoCamp36 stands for networking between universities of applied sciences, companies, students and pupils."
About InnoCamp36®
The InnoCamp36® was initiated by Margarethe Überwimmer, Head of the Global Sales and Marketing programme at the FH OÖ Campus Steyr,and took place for the sixth time this year. Ten companies and one project group of nine members each - including students, exchange students and pupils - were motivated to participate this year. The groups have 36 hours to work out their ideas on the questions posed by the companies on the topics of marketing and sales and have to present them to the jury in 360 seconds. The prize money is provided by the participating companies.
The participating companies & sponsors:
- Berner GmbH
- Business Upper Austria – OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH
- Lely Center Enns GmbH
- Merlin Technology GmbH
- STIWA Group
- Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH
- Trotec Laser GmbH
- voestalpine Stahl GmbH
InnoCamp36® 2020

THAT WAS InnoCamp36® 2020: 21ST / 22ND OCTOBER 2020
And the winner is… 1st Place for artificial intelligence in sales
36 hours made up the time limit given to management students of 19 nations in which to give their creativity free rein and develop extraordinary ideas and solutions for 8 well-known companies. The InnoCamp36 took place for the fifth time at FH OÖ Campus Steyr. English only was spoken throughout the teamwork and during the presentation.
“The InnoCamp36® is a good opportunity, to build networks between the University of Applied Sciences, companies, students and school pupils and reinforces the already excellent cooperation between businesses and the FH OÖ”, says initiator and Head of Studies, Margarethe Überwimmer.
36 hours were allowed for the 70 participants to develop and present their projects. The assignments were set by renowned, internationally oriented companies, including Berner, BMD Business Software, Business Upper Austria, Hilti, Lely, Internorm, SKF und Trotec. Finally, every group had to present its project to the jury within exactly 360 seconds.
Project involving artificial intelligence in sales in 1st place
The Internorm team earned first place by presenting exciting solutions for future artificial intelligence applications in sales with a focus on the topic of window and door offers. The winners‘ hard work was rewarded with a lucrative prize.
Stephan Kubinger, co-owner of Internorm said: “We are proud of our InnoCamp36®-project team. The students and pupils of various nationalities generated exciting and innovative solutions with a focus on the core products windows, sun shading and doors. We are looking forward to putting the ideas and contents into practice in the future.”
“The InnoCamp36® is a great platform for getting in contact with exciting companies and finding answers to questions of the future with students and pupils from a wide variety of nations”, says student, Stefan Schweiger (28) from the GSM-Master degree programme. He and his team won first prize for the company, Internorm.
The second prize went to Business Upper Austria’s project group. It focussed on strengthening the resilience of Upper Austria and its industry.
The Hilti team reached third place by developing an alternative concept for employee benefits in the form of an app-based cafeteria system.
Initiator, Margarethe Überwimmer, is proud of the results: „Everyone put in a great performance. The atmosphere was excellent and the participants were totally engaged. The InnoCamp36® stands for networking between the University of Applied Sciences, businesses, students and pupils.”
InnoCamp36® 2019

THAT WAS InnoCamp36® 2019 - 29TH / 30TH NOVEMBER 2019:
Creative, interdisciplinary solutions for the future
Even at FH OÖ Campus Steyr’s fourth InnoCamp36®, exceptional solution concepts for the participating companies were developed once again.
In the fourth round of the InnoCamp36, created by the study programmes Global Sales and Marketing / Campus Steyr, which took place on the 29th and 30th November 2019, students from 18 different countries gave free reign to their creativity. Eight renowned companies from the B2B and B2C sectors made use of the opportunity to let international groups of students drive their innovation challenges forward with a creative, interdisciplinary approach. The students and pupils used the latest creativity techniques and applied theoretical concepts from business economics to develop unique solutions, worthy of practical implementation. The Internorm team won first prize by developing differentiating, “After Sales Service Tools” for the window of the future.
“The InnoCamp36® offers students and pupils the opportunity to collaborate innovatively with successful companies on topics of the future, generating creative ideas and making them marketable. The extraordinary dedication of the participating companies and individuals is unique and offers both sides cooperation opportunities to strengthen the economy for the future,” said initiator Margarethe Überwimmer.
The 66 participants had 36 hours in which to process their challenge and present their results. The tasks were set by the renowned, globally operating companies: Emporia, Internorm, Leitz, Lely, Rubble Master HMH, Silhouette International, Sprecher Automation and voestalpine. Each team had exactly 360 seconds in which to present its project to the high-calibre jury of managers from the participating companies:
The jury ranked the Internorm project group in first place, with the topic, after sales services for windows. The second place went to the Emporia project group with a new market launch concept. The Leitz team made it into third place with a standardized product and service marketing tool.
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