Library Steyr
The library supports students, researchers, teaching staff, alumni and schools/external persons
with literature, media and advice on site/online.
More information about our inventory and services,
such as research classes for students or
helpful information on academic work can be found on this page.

Standard opening hours
Mon - Fri 07:00 - 21:00
Sat 07:00 - 17:30
Sun, public holiday: closed
Library office
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 11:30, 12:30 - 16:00
Sat, Sun, public holiday: closed
Outside office opening hours the library can only be accessed with an active Campus Steyr ID card.
Guest readers: Access to the library is only possible during office opening hours. If the main entrance to the FH III building is closed, please ring the bell at the side entrance (‘Bibliothek’ bell).
A place for studying
The library offers 27 work- and studyplaces, a printer/copier/scanner, a book scanner as well as 15 lockers.
Inventory Campus Steyr and FH OÖ libraries
~ 24.000 books and ~ 60 print journals in Steyr, ~ 40.000 E-Books and ~17.000 electronic journals.
The printed inventory at the Steyr Campus library is structured according to the subject areas of the courses of study at the Steyr Campus. The online media cover the subject areas of all four FH OÖ locations.
The full FH Upper Austria libraries inventory (electronic and print) is listed and searchable in the library search engine PRIMO. Media from the other Campus libraries can be ordered free of charge.
The Online Resources (E-Books/E-Journals) are consolidated from ~20 databases and available via remote access.
Via Inter Library loan, books can be ordered from any other scientific library in- and outside of Austria.
The library is located on the 3rd floor of the FH III building.
Questions regarding research, our physical or online inventory or other questions can be sent to
We are happy to answer all questions during our office hours in person, via E-Mail/Telephone or MS Teams.
A place for studying
The library offers 27 work- and studyplaces, a printer/copier/scanner, a book scanner as well as 15 lockers.
The library is located on the 3rd floor of the FH III building.
Questions regarding research, our physical or online inventory or other questions can be sent to
We are happy to answer all questions during our office hours in person, via E-Mail/Telephone or MS Teams.
Library Team