Scientific Research - Infos and Tips
This is a collection of useful information and tips to support your research and studies.

Scientific Work - Start
The guidelines for citation and structure of your work (BA/MA thesis) are specific to your study program and are provided by the program (Teams/moodle/etc.)
The library has many different books regarding scientific writing style and much more. Ask us or check out the library search engine!
Research in library search engines
How to use the library services effectively.
An overview of our licenced databases.
Use the Inter Library Loan (for books) and document delivery (for articles) if you need media that is not available at FH Upper Austria libraries.
Start here: Search engine of the Austrian library network
More search engines: KVK Catalog a world-wide library catalog, WorldCat (Focus on US libraries)
Use the library research classes to learn more. Ask for individual dates/small group dates any time!
Research with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI tools can support literature research in the library search engine (PRIMO (Katalog Plus)) as well as the databases and offer helpful and enriching possibilities in the course of research.
This is not a complete list, but only a small selection of helpful tools.
AI models consume considerable amounts of energy and resources, as their training and operation are based on large amounts of data, which leads to environmental pollution. Therefore, a conscious and targeted use of such tools is important to minimize their impact.
ChatGPT is an AI-supported language model (Large-Language-Model, LLM). The AI understands the context of a conversation and can respond precisely to questions.
- Formulating precise search queries for databases
- Suggestions for possible keywords and synonyms
- Summarizing texts
- Translating texts
Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar is a search engine that has been specially developed for scientific articles and uses AI to recognise relevant works based on citations and topics. It offers filter functions and an overview of frequently cited articles that are central to a topic.
- Search for articles on a specific field of research
- Suggestions for related articles based on previous research
- Highlighting of main statements in abstracts
- Discussion of the content of articles (‘ask-this-paper’ function)
- Citation evaluation
Perplexity AI
Perplexity AI is an AI-powered search engine that provides precise answers to questions by combining information from different sources and providing references directly. It is particularly suitable for quickly obtaining well-founded information and finding relevant sources for further research.
- Quick overview of a new topic
- Identification of relevant studies or articles
- Definitions and explanations of technical terms
- Further research through references
Elicit is an AI-powered tool that answers research questions by collecting and analysing relevant papers from a variety of scientific databases. It is helpful for sorting literature based on specific criteria, such as methodology or types of results.
- Finding studies that were conducted with specific research designs
- Comparing results of similar studies
- Creating a list of relevant sources based on a research question
Connected Papers
Connected Papers visualises the relationships between scientific articles and helps to identify related papers and basic literature. The intuitive network map shows how articles in a research field are connected to each other.
- Recognition of ‘must-read’ articles in a new subject area
- Identification of trends or research gaps in a specialised field
- Linking basic and applied studies
Research Rabbit
Research Rabbit makes it possible to identify publications that are based on one or more scientific articles. The tool is therefore suitable for exploratory, in-depth literature research. It offers the option of creating an interactive research tree to graphically display relationships between authors or articles.
- Search for scientific articles to supplement a (systematic) search
- Organisation and tracking of relevant publications
IMPORTANT when using any (AI) tools:
- The tools are constantly being further developed, so changes to functions, operation or price, as well as terms of use, can occur at any time.
- Check whether the use of AI tools is permitted for your work or publication and how their use must be documented.
- Ensure that your entries in prompts comply with data protection regulations.
- Evaluate the quality of the articles found by AI tools.
- Check the accuracy of the content of AI-generated results, such as analyses or summaries.
- Make sure that the selected tool is suitable for your specific use case.
- If the AI tool does not link to the full text, check whether the FH Upper Austria has access and you are logged in with your data - e.g. via PRIMO (Katalog Plus), EZB or databases.
The FH Upper Austria has published a handout regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the area of teaching. Make sure to adhere to the information published there or any new information that may be released in the future. (Title of the handout, available on internal communication channels: "Handreichung zum Umgang mit KI-Systemen an der FH Oberösterreich im Bereich der Lehre")
(Status: 28.01.2025)
Useful resources at the University
FH Compass: Lots of information about life, learning and orientation at the FH, in the “Learning” section there is a lot of helpful information, tips and podcasts on topics such as learning strategies, test anxiety, self-management, studying and work/family, and much more.
“Let's talk about it!” Lectures/Talks for students: Every other month there is a new talk on a relevant topic for students: one hour, online via Teams, without registration, just click in and join in! After a short presentation by experts on the respective topic, there will be enough time for questions, answers and discussion.
Study Success Center: Various support programs for exam preparation, time and self-management, writing club, learning techniques and much more (Many only in German language at the moment).
Reference management (Citavi), knowledge management and other helpful programs
Citavi is a literature reference management database that helps you stay organized and quickly cite your needed literature.
FH Upper Austria students can download the licensed program ("Citavi Web and Desktop")
Choose: "W" -> Wels -> Fachhochschule Oberösterreich and click: "Ich bin StudentIn"
How to use Citavi: Video Tutorials
Citavi Web can also be used by non-Windows operating systems (e.g. MacOS).
Extending your licence: If your license has expired, you must prove that you are still studying/working at the FH Upper Austria in order to renew it. You can find all the information here.
Citavi will also send you a reminder by e-mail (1 week before the licence expires).
Transcription Feature in Microsoft Word
Information about this feature in MS word
Google Scholar Library Integration
Click on "Settings" at the top left and then on "Library Links". Enter "University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria" and select the library. When searching in Google Scholar, it will now show on the right side whether the FH OÖ Libraries have licensed online access. You will be redirected to PRIMO or directly to the full text. Log in with your credentials at the top right to gain access. Note: The print collection is not covered – a direct search in PRIMO is still recommended!
The FH Upper Austria has licensed the Unipark survey software. To create an account please follow the instructions:
Send an email with the following data to
First and Last Name
E-Mail address
Team name (The team name should be as meaningful as possible (i.e. not FH Steyr) and consist of 1-2 words or abbreviations. A name is required even if the "team" consists of only one person.)
SPSS Software
Students can obtain the SPSS software at reduced prices. There is currently no direct way to obtain SPSS licenses from the FH. However, we are working on a solution for this.
Journal Ratings
A ranking of journals relevant to business administration based on the judgements of VHB (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.) members.
WU Journal Rating
A ranking of business journals of the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Plagiarism Scan
The ÖH (Student Union) of the FH OÖ offers a plagiarism check for students. More information here.
You can find many scan software products online (partly free or for a fee).
Here are a few examples:
Bookbinders (for BA/MA theses)
Every study program has a guideline on the information that has to be put on the binding.
We recommend the following bookbinders:
Bindewerk Eichenauer (Steyr)
Buchbinderei Strandl (Linz)
Buchbinderei Kölbl (Wels)