Inter Library Loan/Paper Order
Orders within the FH Upper Austria Campus libraries, orders from Austrian and foreign libraries, as well as journal articles.
The data you provide are required for the administration of the library. Personal data are recorded in the library system and processed for the administration of media (procurement, borrowing, returns, reminders etc.). The data are transferred to the Austrian Library Network and Service Ltd, Vienna/Austria (OBVSG), which hosts the library system.
We save personal data at least for the duration of your studies and/or your employment at the FH Upper Austria and for longer if necessary in accordance with point (f) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR, to enable us to access the relevant student/employee’s borrowing history to provide them with information. Personal data of external users are deleted 3 years after their last activity.
You can find further information – in particular concerning the rights of data subjects – in our Privacy Statement.
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