Part-Time Degree Programs
Study, practice and work

Would you like to combine studying and working because you may already be in employment or full-time study is out of the question for family, financial or other reasons? Then you should opt for a part-time or dual course of study.
Balancing work and study requires organization, efficiency and perseverance. Around a third of all students at FH Upper Austria are enrolled on a part-time degree program.
Part-time degree programs at FH Upper Austria are easily compatible with employment. Studying and working run in parallel. We help you to manage this by organizing the relevant courses in a special and tried and tested way. Courses are usually held on Friday afternoons, evenings and Saturdays and are occasionally supplemented by block courses. E-learning tools support you with flexible learning from home. Distance learning is also used intensively in some degree programs.
Employment is not a mandatory requirement for admission to a part-time degree course. The duration of a part-time degree course at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria is no longer than that of a full-time degree course. However, the semesters usually start a little earlier and end a little later. This means that you can usually complete your studies just as quickly as full-time students.
Find a study program
Controlling, Accounting and Financial Management
Campus Steyr -
Human Enhancement and Ethics
Campus Linz -
International Logistics Management
Campus Steyr -
Marketing and Digital Business
Campus Steyr -
Materials and Process Engineering
Easy StartCampus Wels -
Mechatronics and Business Management
Campus Wels -
Process Engineering and Production
Campus Wels -
Process Management and Business Intelligence
Campus Steyr -
Product Design and Technical Communication
Easy StartCampus Wels -
Smart Production and Management
Campus Steyr -
Social Work
Campus Linz -
Social, Public, and Nonprofit Management
Campus Linz -
Software Engineering
Campus Hagenberg
Agricultural Management and Innovations
Campus Steyr -
Applied Technologies for Medical Diagnostics
Campus Linz -
Controlling, Accounting and Financial Management
Campus Steyr -
Digital Business Management
Campus Steyr -
Energy Informatics
Campus Hagenberg -
Global Sales and Marketing Master
Campus Steyr -
Human Resource Management
Campus Steyr -
Human-Centered Computing
Campus Hagenberg -
Information Engineering and Management
Campus Hagenberg -
Information Security Management
Campus Hagenberg -
Leading Transformation for Impact Organizations
Campus Linz -
Logistics Engineering and Management
Campus Steyr -
Managing Non-Profit and Public Services
Campus Linz -
Mechatronics and Business Management
Campus Wels -
Operations Management
Campus Steyr -
Plant Construction Management
Campus Wels -
Robotics Systems Engineering
Campus Wels -
Social Work
Campus Linz -
Supply Chain Management
Campus Steyr