Korinna Aschauer, Absolventin des Global Salesand Marketing Bachelor
About me
After completing my GSM studies, it took me some time to find the right job for me. As a Product Marketeer at KEBA, however, I now do exactly what I enjoy: working strategically, understanding the challenges of our customers, deriving requirements from them, storytelling and, from time to time, classic marketing in terms of content creation and event management.
What were the highlights of your time at university? What was your best student moment?
For me, the classic Steyr highlights Boatmania and Beer Race are definitely among them. Celebrating and having fun with the people with whom you spend many intensive study phases. And of course my semester abroad at the University of Bangkok.
Why did you decide to study at Campus Steyr back then?
I found the combination that makes up GSM unique: marketing andsales on the one hand and technology and intercultural training on the other. The wide range of topics at GSM was a perfect match for my general curiosity for new things.
Which parts/knowledge from your studies have particularly supported you in achieving your career plans?
Even though they were sometimes exhausting, I benefited most from the (company) projects. Projects and practical tasks prepared me well for the world of work - both professionally and personally.
What tips can you give current students for their future careers?
Even if it doesn't seem like it: you learn at least as much from failures as you do from successes. What looks like a step backwards is perhaps a run-up 😊