Library Linz

The library's collection covers all degree programs based in Linz. There is a specialist focus on the subject areas of Society & Management, Medical Technology and Social Work.

Das Bild zeigt Bücherregale der Bibliothek am Campus Linz.
Home University Libraries Library Linz

Opening hours

Library ist open from: 

Monday - Friday
09:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 16:00

Extended opening hours for students and employees!

You need your valid FH Campus Linz IDcard (student/employee ID card) to open the library door.


Questions regarding research, our physical or online inventory or other questions can be sent to

Library team

Mag. (FH) Michaela Fehringer

Head of

Theresa Leimlehner-Reiser


Library etiquette & netiquette

It is important to us that everyone feels comfortable here and that we work together to ensure that this remains the case. Everything else can be found in our library rules.

Library Rules