Study Global Sales and Marketing at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr

Home Campus Steyr Study Global Sales and

Why study Global Sales & Marketing?

  • We make you fit for your career in international business and management!
  • You will know how to deal with customers and to identify how to collaborate - digitally, face-to-face or hybrid- the world is yours!
  • We enable you to become a great leader!
  • We help you to find your leadership skills and to grow beyond yourself!
  • We provide you with an excellent environment: professors with an industrial background, international professors, CEOs and managers giving insights, company visits, field trips, a semester abroad (which is possible for everyone), real-life projects with companies, and, internships to get first practical insights, labs and trainings in small groups, open-mindedness and student-centric experiential learning activities.

... you will be part of an unforgettable GSM community from the first day on.

Bachelor degree program

Master degree program

Internationally successful in Sales, Export and Marketing

The global economy is becoming increasingly interconnected and the export industry needs highly qualified sales specialists. The Global Sales and Marketing degree program offers you a unique combination:
B2B marketing, sales management and intercultural management. Basic technical knowledge ensures that you, as a prospective sales manager, can build a bridge between customers and production. We attach great importance to social skills - through three foreign languages (English is the language of instruction), sales and leadership training.

Study Abroad

All students have the opportunity to study at one of our partner universities. Several double degree programs are available in the USA, Czech Republic, Columbia, China, Australia and a triple degree program for our Master's students.

A field trip provides further profound cross-cultural insights. The entire degree program is taught in English and students are free to choose their second foreign language.

Austria's best University of Applied Sciences for Business Studies

In the CHE Ranking 2023/24, the students as well as the facts about studies, teaching and research clearly speak for the Steyr campus as the first address for practice-oriented business studies in Austria. Eight Austrian universities of applied sciences with 47 business degree programmes participated in the current university ranking. All performance indicators at the Management Faculty at FH OÖ Campus Steyr were rated the best of all business faculties at UASs in Austria with 4.58 points out of a maximum of 5 points. When it came to individual indicators such as "general study situation", "support by lecturers" and "practical relevance", the Steyr Faculty took first place in Austria.


Global Sales and Marketing, BA
FH OÖ Fakultät für Management
Wehrgrabengasse 1–3
4400 Steyr/Austria
Tel.: +43 5 0804 33500

Global Sales and Marketing, MA
FH OÖ Fakultät für Management
Wehrgrabengasse 1–3
4400 Steyr/Austria
Tel.: +43 5 0804 33600