Im Rahmen der Digital Design Talks am 26. Juni 2024 hält Dr. Kristefan Minski einen Vortrag zum Thema: Cultivating Transdisciplinary “Handlungsräume” in Australia through Austrian inspired “Art Thinking” (originated by Ars Electronica).
Letztes Jahr besuchte unsere HCC-Professorin Mandy Keck im Rahmen des World Technology University Network die University of Newcastle in Australien. Nun freuen wir uns, dass Kristefan Minski auf einen Gegenbesuch nach Hagenberg kommt und im Rahmen der Digital Design Talks am 26. Juni 2024 einen Vortrag zum Thema:
Cultivating Transdisciplinary “Handlungsräume” in Australia through Austrian inspired “Art Thinking” (originated by Ars Electronica) hält.
Darüber hinaus wird er Informationen zur University of Newcastle geben.
Wir laden alle interessierten Kolleg*innen und Studierende herzlich zu diesem Vortrag um 15 Uhr in den Blue-Zone-HS 8 ein.
Speaker: Dr Kristefan Minski is an Australian researcher that spent 10 years in Linz working at Ars Electronica. His passion for this unique creative and innovative ecosystem inspired his PhD research and thesis about Transdisciplinary Collaboration. It also led to more than a decade of projects and programs in Australia through partnerships between Ars Electronica and major Australian Universities, Industries and Government organisations. Minski now continues to expand the bilateral relationship through a unique model comprising of a part-time academic position at the University of Newcastle and his start-up company Art Thinking. A name also derived from his PhD research and experience at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. He is also honoured to continue his relationship with Ars Electronica as their official ambassador down under.
His visit to Linz concerns 2 new research initiatives about creative aging and the convergence of AI, motion tracking, data visualisation and real-time animation to benefit deaf communities. He is excited about the opportunity to connect with University researchers in upper Austria for these and other future collaborations.
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