Home Forschung Research Center Steyr Global Business Management

Global Business Management

At the vanguard of research and practical knowledge exchange on a global level, our projects encompass facets of global transformation, green transformation and AI implementation. The Circular Academy underscores the importance of a variety of companies engaging in sustainable practices through cross-border cooperation. Coupled with projects like AI Catalyst for SMEs and AI SDT-Lab, our efforts address the AI knowledge gap in SMEs and public administration, providing insights into their readiness for AI and enabling practical experimentation. Through an integration of theoretical study, empirical understanding, and academic dialogues, we translate cutting-edge research into realities,  giving rise to a sustainable and AI-fueled ecosystem in business and public administration. Innovation and knowledge meet here.

Join us in this journey toward a more sustainable, intelligent, and interconnected business world.

Circular Academy - online knowledge platform to support green transformation

Companies are under pressure to reduce their use of resources. Especially climate change has made the green transformation of companies towards sustainable, circular, resource efficient operations a prominent focus. As the need to become greener is ubiquitous , cross-border cooperation between companies, SMEs, research departments, stakeholders and policy makers is absolutely essential.

The team implements theoretical knowledge generated by the research institutions and the BSOs provide practical knowledge for developing solutions which are as close to reality as possible.

Through intense cooperation between science and industry, especially SME’s gain insights into sustainable, circular business models and possibilities how to implement these in their own businesses. An additional benefit is the knowledge platform which serves not only as a source of directions for further learning and extension of knowledge but also as a network and communications platform. Additional essential outputs of this project are the transfer of knowledge and the cross-border network of the involved target groups. This is achieved through the implementation of exchange formats like Policy meets Business and a Roadshow.

AI for SMEs

Catalyst for SMEs

The lack of knowledge about AI applications and requirements and effects in terms of technology, value generation and business processes, collaboration between humans and AI as well as ethical and data protection-related aspects affect the growth opportunities for companies. In order to overcome these challenges and grow, companies need more knowledge about AI applications and support in using them. This is precisely where the AI Catalyst for SMEs helps with its innovative approach: A holistic bundle of knowledge is made available to the program regions. The innovative AI Readiness Radar (which is based on the European Societal Readiness Thinking Tool) provides companies with an insight into their status quo, how ready they are for the use of AI systems and which requirements still need to be met.

The AI SDT Labs will be expanded with AI applications, data and cases so that participants can experiment with them during the AI Days. Our research team has also developed an AI-based tool, the Service Export Radar, try it out: https://www.global-business.at... .

AI SDT-LAB - AI Social Design Thinking Lab

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in small and medium-sized enterprises as well as in public administration is the goal of European, national and regional digitisation and innovation strategies. However, available data and experiences show that in the partner regions of this project (South Bohemia, Upper Austria and Vienna) the potential of AI is used much less than in other European and non-European countries. In fact, it is used mainly in the field of R&D but only very little in the context of large company processes. Artificial intelligence plays an important role in this context, as it is a megatrend in the field of digitisation and offers a number of new possibilities and opportunities, especially with regard to current global events. The aim of this project is to create a cross-border network of cooperating entities to (1) jointly identify opportunities for the practical use of AI, (2) find a suitable and effective application of this technology to optimise organisational processes, and (3) find ways to overcome existing obstacles to putting AI into practice.

Intercultural Management

The Cross-Cultural Management and Emerging Markets Centre of the study programme Global Sales and Marketing connects intercultural education with the research of intercultural management topics. The centre also translates research into practice through its business consulting services, e.g. intercultural competence trainings and workshops for companies.

The SIMM (Steyr Intercultural Management Model) developed by GSM is a model encompassing history, religion, philosophical background of development, political system, law and society as cultural areas and is designed to explain the challenges encountered when dealing with people from other cultures. Together with people from industry and other organizations, the centre organizes a series of events and studies with the aim of bringing together business people, professors, researchers and students interested in intercultural management issues and business opportunities outside of Austria, namely Upper Austrian Export Days, Cross-Cultural Business Conference, Intercultural Trainings, Intercultural Business Talks, Field Trips, Barometer studies (Marketing, Sales and Export Activities), research projects on welcome culture and the MPICO model to measure ones intercultural competence which is available here: https://www.global-business.at... .

Thanks to the CCCN - Cross-cultural communication network –the newly created network of the two universities, intercultural training concepts will be developed jointly by the two partners. These training concepts will be adapted to the different target groups (universities, schools, vocational schools and companies). Based on the knowledge gained in the project, practice-oriented seminars on intercultural competence are developed and offered at different educational levels.

Annual Cross-cultural Business Conference (CCBC)

The annual Cross-Cultural Business Conference (CCBC) is an international event hosted by the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, focusing on global business dynamics. It brings together academics, researchers, and practitioners to share insights and discuss advancements in fields such as export management, marketing, and innovation. The conference emphasizes cross-cultural exchanges and aims to foster collaboration and knowledge growth in the global business community.

More information on CCBC

Contact Person Global Business Management

FH-Prof. DI Dr. Margarethe Überwimmer
