Open House

at the FH Upper Austria Wels Campus
Friday, 21.03. 9am-5pm

Advice, presentations, campus and laboratory tours in English

Eine gruppe junger Studentinnen bei einer Besprechung mit einem Professor auf dem Dach der FH Wels
Home Wels Campus Open House

Wels campus live for one day

You are interested in studying one of 31 degree programs with excellent job prospects at the School of Engineering and want to gain more insights? Then the Open House is just the right event for you. 1,800 students enrolled in the last academic year and are completing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programs at Wels Campus.

Your benefits: hands-on and research-oriented education, working in small groups, international environment and top job prospects. We see technology here as a lever to convey content in such a way that it will later enrich your life, make everyday life easier with solutions and also change the world in a positive way bit by bit.

Our offer at the open house

  • Advice & information stands (in German and English)
    • about all degree programs offered at Wels campus
    • on student residences, student representation, semesters abroad, studying without a A-levels/high school diploma
  • Lectures on the degree programs taught in English at the FH Upper Austria Wels Campus
  • Campus and laboratory tours (in English)
  • Exhibition of interesting student projects, such as the hydrogen recumbent bike developed by students, control engineering experiments "Ball on Ball", lightweight components to touch - from Formula 1 to air cabs, augmented reality in construction, food research, photobioreactor for algae, microorganisms under the microscope and much more.
  • You are also welcome to have lunch in the FH canteen or enjoy a coffee in the bistro.
  • From 2:30pm the so called "FH-Seiterlstandl" takes place in the inner courtyard.
  • ...and much more.

We look forward to seeing you!


Time Program item Place
09am - 5:00pm Advice & information stands (in English) Aula
09am - 5:00pm Exhibition of interesting student and research projects Lobby
11:00am - 12:00am (CET) Webinar „Shaping tomorrow: Your future in Upper Austria“ Registration is required. please register online
12:30am - 12:45am Award for the best semester abroad videos Aula
01:00pm - 01:45pm Studying at the School of Engineering at Wels Campus - an overview (in English) A / HS-008
01:45pm - 02:45pm Campus-Tour in English Infopoint
02:30pm - 07:00pm "FH-Seiterlstandl": Beer and other drinks Lobby, Inner courtyard
04:00pm - 06:00pm Laboratory tour of the experimental and training brewery Building B

How to find us

The Open House takes place in the main building of the FH Upper Austria Campus Wels.

FH Upper Austria Wels Campus
Stelzhamerstrasse 23
4600 Wels

Here you can download the directions:

Personal study advice

You can't come to the Open House and would like personal advice? Then contact us.

Contact us

Review Open House 2023