IMPACT Evaluation

Innovative Measurement and Performance Analysis with Creative Tools

The question of the impact of services and technologies is increasingly gaining prominence in the face of dwindling resources and ever more rapid technological development, whether as an impact orientation in administration, as an impact evaluation of social and health-related services or as an accompanying evaluation of various (digital) transformation processes. Impact-oriented, evidence-based practice is increasingly being demanded by funding bodies and political decision-makers. This means that developed products, services, projects, programs, interventions, measures, etc. must demonstrate their impact (input-process-output-outcome-impact) based on scientific evidence. The expertise required for this is a research area at Linz Campus.


FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Renate Sabine Kränzl-Nagl

Professor of Sociology and Empirical Social Research

P +43 5 0804 52470
R research profile