TIMed CENTER cooperation partners benefit from access to the latest technical infrastructure and the expertise of our scientific staff to generate targeted, application-oriented research results.

Companies and institutions can collaborate with the TIMed CENTER at various levels.
Research and development projects
Research and development projects offer the opportunity to cooperate with the TIMed CENTER in a targeted and long-term manner and to take advantage of funding opportunities.
Study projects
Project work is an integral part of the FH OÖ degree programme. Students work directly with companies to incorporate experience from the professional environment into their studies.
Final theses
Bachelor's and Master's theses are generally application-orientated and are often carried out together with companies on the basis of specific tasks. They give students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of a specific topic.
Center of Excellence for Technological Innovation in Medicine
Garnisonstraße 21
4020 Linz/Austria
DI(FH) Thomas Kern, Head of Center of Excellence
T +43 5 0804 27110
F +43 5 0804 27199