Center of Excellence for Technological Innovation in Medicine

Home Center of Excellence TIMed CENTER

"Systems & technologies for people" is one of the three priority fields of action of the new Upper Austrian RTI strategy “#Upper Vision 2030”. Together with the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the FH-Gesundheitsberufe, non-university research and healthcare facilities in Upper Austria, such as the Kepler Universitätsklinikum, the Order Hospitals and the Health Holding, the TIMed CENTER makes a significant contribution to excellence in medical (technical) research in Upper Austria.

The Center for Technological Innovation in Medicine (TIMed CENTER) bundles the strengths of the FH OÖ faculties in Hagenberg, Steyr, Linz and Wels, to realize a new, internationally visible main hub in the Medical Valley Upper Austria in the form of an inter-faculty center for the development of interdisciplinary solutions to technical issues in the life sciences (medicine, biomedicine, biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics and and bioinformatics). In addition, the TIMed CENTER forces a technology-centered and science-based academic education.

Core Facilities

In its Core Facilities, which opened in 2018, the TIMed CENTER offers access to shared high-end instruments, cutting-edge technologies, state-of-the-art methods and services to address complex issues in research, development and innovation. In order to ensure the best possible utilisation of available resources, core facilities are operated by experts who provide advice on the planning and implementation of measurements, studies or experiments, for example. Their task is also to develop new methods and techniques and to establish these for efficient utilisation. This enables research co-operation as hubs in national and international networks.
More about the Core Facilities