Plant Construction Management
Master, Full Time, Part-Time

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Springboard into the world of international project business!

Key Facts
Diplom-Ingenieur für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe, Diplom-Ingenieurin für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe: Diploma is equivalent to degree "Master of Science in Engineering" -
4 semesters -
Mode Of Study
Full Time, Part-Time, Fulltime taught in English, Parttime taught in German. Classes from mid september to mid July; -
English (full time degree program) / German (part time degree program) -
0483 -
Access Requirements
Completion of relevant technical or technical-economic Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS or equivalent) or a higher-level university degree program. Examples of relevant bachelor degrees (Architecture, Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Project Management, Industrial Engineering & Technology, Chemical or Process Engineering, Technology, Innovation Management, Business & Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical, Automation Engineering, Environmental / Sustainable / Renewable Technology, Mechatronics, Robotics, Offshore Construction, Production Management,... )
Each bachelor and university degree is assessed individually.
Notice to degree:
Diploma is equivalent to degree Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)General notice: Start of studies subject to approval of degree program
Deadline for Applications
Application for the year 2025/26 online until 30.06.2025
Application deadline for Non-EU-Applicants: 31.05.2025. All applicants who can enter Austria without a visa can still apply. -
Admission Process
1) Online application, 2) Pre-Check of applications, 3) Personal interview with pre-selected candidates (via MS Teams)
Recognition of Verified Knowledge
Crediting of relevant courses is possible & will be checked individually
Semester abroad
Worldwide opportunities. Experience the world! With more than 100 partner universities abroad, we offer students a dense international network.
Worldwide job opportunities
The master´s degree program can be completed as a full-time course. Most of our students are also working part-time simultaneously to their study program.
Praxis & Projects
You cannot get more in touch with the project business! In the degree program, students not only learn a mix of engineering, business administration, business law and project management, they also acquire skills for future project teamwork. Students are given deep insights into real plant engineering by proven experts and professors with many years of practical experience. This guarantees a high level of practical relevance and also paves the way for a national and international career.
Voices from the industry
Project managers for large-scale projects in industrial plant construction need a sound and broad education in order to be able to master the challenges that the job entails. A strong focus on practical relevance rounds out the degree program
perfectly. The master‘s degree in plant construction management is an ideal basis for a successful career in international industrial plant engineering.
DI (FH) Andreas Beck MBA
Managing Director Zaunergroup & Cooperation partner of degree program
The sustainable management of our environment is one of the great challenges of our time. It needs young people who take a critical look at the issue, pursue new approaches and are given the opportunity to be close to industry during their studies. As a technology leader in environmental technology, we see it as our responsibility not only to develop solutions for clean air. We also want to specifically support the next generation by promoting high-quality technical education and its further development in order to train future experts who can make a decisive contribution to tackling climate change. In the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, we have found a partner who, like us, emphasises innovation and environmental protection.
DI Stefan Scheuch
CEO Scheuch Group & Cooperation partner of degree program
Good to know
- The master degree program “plant construction management” is a unique program in whole Europe.
- Plant construction management was voted to the best degree programs in the field of “Other Technology” in the industry magazine “Universities of applied science ranking”!
- 94% recommend the master degree program "plant construction management" on the study evaluation platform "studycheck".
International / Semester abroud
Worldwide job opportunities: Experience the world! Project managers and projects engineers usually operate internationally, which is why social and leadership skills as well as english language skills are a real added value. With more than 100 partner universities abroad, we offer students a dense international network. A semester or internship abroad is therefore supported.

Contact to head of studies
The head of the degree program PD DI DDr. Christof Lanzerstorfer will be happy to assist you. Don´t hesitate to ask him your questions.

Can I work for a company while I´m studying?
Yes, this is possible.
the degree program specially enables working people to combine their 20 hour or 40 hour job with the degree program.
The courses in this degree program take place on Thursday from 6 pm (online), Friday from 2 pm (in person) and Saturday from 8 am (in person). In each semester there is a full-day block week starting on Wednesday.
Career opportunities after my gratuation of this degree program?
the possible professional fields are broad. The graduates usually find job positions in the national or international project business. Examples for such job positions:
Project engineers, operational engineers, technical project managers, commercial project managers, project coordinators, project managers in the general contractor business, quantity surveyors
How practical is the degree program plant construction management?
Our lecturers are a good mix of competent professors with a lot of practical experience in the project business and experienced external lecturers from a wide range of plant engineering companies.
The external lecturers teach part-time, i.e. they work full-time in companies (e.g. as department managers, senior project managers, consultants, purchasing managers and even managing directors). Because of the strong cooperation with international plant construction companies in upper austria, students receive the necessary practical skillset during their studies.
In this way we indirectly ensure that the content in our degree program is highly practical.
I have been working in the international project business for a long time. What is the added value for me if I join this degree program?
Many of our students have knowledge and practical know- how from their previous work (e.g. as a project manager) in the project business.
We continue to build on this knowledge, sharpen and refine this know-how even further, so that students can see a bigger picture of the project business (from different point of views, e.g. contractors, clients, subcontractors).
Our students come from a wide variety of companies in different industries and areas, there is a very interactive exchange during the study program and courses, therefore the students gain additional value.
TelephoneT +43 5 0804 43095