Automotive Mechatronics and Management
Master, Full Time

- Campus Wels
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Innovations for the Future of Mobility
Key Facts
Master of Science in Engineering -
4 semesters -
Mode Of Study
Full Time, Monday/Tuesday (sem. 2 & 3) are meant for internships. Therefore some lectures are scheduled on Friday evenings & Saturdays. -
English -
Access Requirements
Completed Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS or equivalent) in Electromechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or related subject areas. solid English language skills
Deadline for Applications
Application for the year 2025/26 online until 30.06.2025
Application deadline for Non-EU-Applicants: 31.05.2025. All applicants who can enter Austria without a visa can still apply. -
Admission Process
Personal interview (e.g. Teams)
EU/EEA citizens: 363.36 EUR + 20,70 EUR per semester. Non-EU/EEA citizens: 726.72 EUR + 20,70 EUR per semester. Merit-based scholarships are available.
Career Profile
Good to know
Mechatronics and vehicle manufacturing are strong points of the Upper Austrian economy! This is why the need for highly-qualified graduates in these fields will continue to grow in the future. Leading companies in the automotive industry are working closely with this degree program.
Practical Experience and Research
The practice-orientation of this degree program is guaranteed by cooperation with companies in the vehicle industry. Ideally, the project in the 3 rd semester and the Master’s Thesis are carried out for and at company. In this regard, students receive comprehensive support from the study program during the application process and project implementation. Further, many of the professors and lecturers work in the automotive industry or closely with it.
International Environment
This program is taught in English and the target group is a mixture of Austrian and international students. It is therefore inherently international. For all those who wish to gain further international experience, however, there is the possibility to spend the fourth semester at one of our 100 international partner universities.

Good to know
Mode of study: Career-enhancing. Monday/Tuesday (sem. 2 & 3) are meant for internships. Therefore some lectures are scheduled on Friday evenings & Saturdays.

With an enriching intercultural environment, supportive staff, and value placed on student feedback, the learning dynamics are exceptional. Coupled with an active social scene, the AMM program offers a comprehensive and rewarding educational experience that equips students to thrive in the automotive industry.
Amr Mousa Mohamed Mousa MSc
AMM graduate
We have answered the most burning questions about the study program for you.
To what extent can I adapt the AMM master's program to my personal INTERESTS and PREFERENCES?
Students of the AMM Master's program have a variety of options for individualizing their studies. Students can choose the practical PROJECTS integrated into the curriculum as well as the focus of their MASTER´S THESIS according to their intended professional activity or interests. Furthermore, in the first two semesters, there is scope for INDIVIDUAL QUALIFICATION to the extent of 4 ECTS. In addition, electives of up to 4 ECTS are also provided in the third semester.
When can I start WORKING on a part-time basis while studying?
In the 2nd and 3rd semester, both MONDAY and TUESEDAY are free of teaching. The fourth semester is generally free of teaching. Thus, as a rule, some students work part-time already from the 2nd semester and almost all from the 3rd semester. In the 4th semester, all AMM students have been employed by a company and have written their master's thesis there. AMM supports the application activities in many ways.
How many AMM graduates start their CAREER in Austria after their AMM sudy?
It is great to see that to date approx. 80% of the mostly international AMM graduates stayed in Austria after their graduation and found an attractive job mostly based on their master thesis!
TelephoneT +43 5 0804 43053