Recruiter profiles
In the Career Zone, companies can publish part-time jobs, internships and thesis topics free of charge and without limit. However, the placement of full-time jobs (from 25h/week) is limited by quotas.
Publish job ads for free
Price: free of charge
Duration: until further notice
Contingent: 5 full-time positions per year
This profile type is suitable for companies with low staffing requirements. Once the quota has been reached, further full-time positions will be rejected without exception. You will not incur any costs.
Note: If several people from your company want to publish jobs with us, please use a joint profile with a central e-mail address (e.g.

Get more attention
Price1): € 300,- net per year
Quota: 15 full-time positions per year
This profile type is suitable for companies with moderate personnel requirements. Once the quota has been reached, further full-time positions will be rejected without exception. You will not incur any further costs. Another advantage is that your jobs are displayed preferentially and shown in our RSS feeds.

Create profile (instructions)
Your recruiter profile will be activated automatically after registration. As soon as it is activated, you can log in and independently create new jobs, manage vacancies and republish expired advertisements.
To the insructions!
Place job advertisements
Every job advertisement is checked by our team before publication. As soon as an advertisement has been approved, you will receive an e-mail. In the event of a rejection, we will send you a rejection e-mail with the reason for this
Jobs are visible for 30 days by default. However, you can also specify a different archiving date if required.
Design job ads (requirements)
To avoid your job advertisements being rejected, please follow our tips. Common reasons are that jobs do not contain a description or salary information or are aimed at the wrong target group.
We explicitly target academics. However, you will not find any graduates of FH Health Professions degree programs with us.
Technical support
Do you need technical support? Call us on +43 5 0804 54110 or send us an e-mail to
Upgrade recruiter profile
Please note in this context that we cannot upgrade existing recruiter profiles.
There are purely technical reasons for this: The Recruiter Profile Plus is a functionally greatly reduced company profile, which receives a partner status of the FH Upper Austria, but is not listed with its own presence in the "Company" menu.
However, your job advertisements are always displayed first to students and graduates when they log in. In addition, we always pick out exciting jobs from partners, which we include in our target group-specific RSS feeds.
Something is not working
1) The amount of EUR 300 is due within 14 days of receipt of the signed contract and is payable within 14 days without deduction. If payment is more than six weeks late, the contract will be terminated unilaterally by the Alumni Club FH Oberösterreich and the Recruiter Profile Plus created will be deleted. The Recruiter Profile Plus can be created and used to place job advertisements as soon as the signed contract has been submitted.
2) The term of contracts begins on the day of the order and ends on December 31 of the current calendar year. A contract shall only be deemed to have been concluded once it has been sent to with the company's signature. If the signed documents are not sent within six weeks of receipt of the draft contract and accompanying letter after several reminders by e-mail, the order will be canceled by the Alumni Club FH Oberösterreich after prior notice.