Clean Energy & Sustainable Building

Climate protection needs new ideas
Sun, wind and water - these are the elements of the future. With us, you'll learn what else is involved.
Everyone is talking about the energy transition and the circular economy, about renewable energy and conserving resources. For us, these are not just empty buzzwords but the focus of our research efforts. The results of our research then flow into our teaching, so that our students are ready for the challenges of the future. Be part of it!

Sustainable building
Already during the planning phase and also during the construction phase, the building project must be oriented towards sustainability, i.e. preserving the ecosystem and the environment, creating benefits for people and society and optimising the economic potential of buildings. All these goals are emphasised in the degree programme Civil Engineering in Building Construction.
We integrate theory and practice and specifically promote internships and semesters abroad.
You may choose to complete a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc) with us or specialise further in one of our many Master degree programmes, at which point you can call yourself Diplom-Ingenieur*in (Dipl-Ing.) or Master of Science in Engineering (MSc).