Rankings & Quality
Many different factors influence individual choices when it comes to selecting a course of study. Choosing the right university, particularly given the vast array of different programs, is therefore a complex and often challenging endeavor for many applicants. However, the high quality of education, the international reputation of the university, and excellent job prospects are crucial considerations for all applicants.

Campus Steyr in the Fact Check
According to the latest CHE university ranking, the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr offers the best business degree programs in Austria
The business studies programs have achieved top scores in all categories. This makes the Steyr campus the best rated management university of applied sciences in Austria. The CHE ranking is the most comprehensive ranking of universities and universities of applied sciences in the German-speaking world.
Top ratings in rankings for Management Degree Programs at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr
CHE Ranking 2023/24 - Master: First place among Austria's management UASs confirmed
New ranking success for management programs at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr
The latest CHE ranking, this time with a focus on the Master's degree programs, once again brings top rankings for the degree programs and for the entire faculty. In the most comprehensive German-language university ranking, the management location of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria is rated as the best management university of applied sciences in Austria for the second time this year. Following the top result for the Bachelor's degree programs at the Faculty of Business and Management in Steyr in the spring, the Master's degree programs have now also achieved the top position in Austria.
"In the entire German-speaking region, FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr with its Master's degree programs is in the top group in all categories and is well above the average of all German-speaking universities assessed," says Dr Heimo Losbichler, Dean of the FH Upper Austria Faculty in Steyr, delighted with the outstanding result. "This ranking result once again confirms that the management education program in Steyr is one of the best. We are very proud of the fact that we are one of the best addresses for a business degree program in the entire German-speaking region."
Above-average student satisfaction
In the CHE Ranking 2023/24, the students as well as the facts on study programs, teaching and research clearly speak in favor of Campus Steyr as the top address for a practice-oriented business degree program in Austria. The Master's degree programs in Steyr achieved the best result in Austria for both the main criterion "current study situation" and "study organisation".
In concrete figures, the results are as follows:
General study situation Master's program FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr: 4.55 (mean value of all universities 4.3) and study organisation FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr: 4.9 (mean value of all universities 4.7)
Leading finance and logistics master's program in Steyr
The feedback from Master's students on the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr is impressive. Here are some of the results in detail: The Master's degree program in Controlling, Accounting and Financial Management achieved the highest score of 5 in the two categories "Practical orientation in teaching" and "Study organisation", and an impressive 4.9 in the main criterion "General study situation" (average for all universities 4.3). The "Practical orientation in teaching" of the Digital Business Management degree program is also well above average with an outstanding 4.9 (average for all universities 4.4). In Operations Management, nine out of ten of the criteria assessed were above the average for all universities. The logistics degree program "Supply Chain Management" was particularly successful, as it was rated the best Master's degree program in logistics at universities of applied sciences in German-speaking countries, taking into account all evaluation criteria.

CHE Ranking 2023/24 - Bachelor: Best UAS Business Studies in Austria at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr
The Faculty of Business and Management at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr achieved top marks in all categories by a clear margin, making it the best evaluated management university of applied sciences in Austria. The degree programs in Steyr were once again awarded top marks in all categories and are therefore also among the absolute leaders of all German-language business studies programs.
Steyr in first place for business studies
In the CHE Ranking 2023/24, the students as well as the facts about studies, teaching and research clearly speak in favor of the Steyr campus as the top address for practical business studies in Austria. Eight Austrian universities of applied sciences with 47 business degree programs took part in the current university ranking. All performance indicators of the Steyr Bachelor's degree programs achieved an overall score of 4.58 points out of a maximum of 5 points, making the Steyr Campus the best of all business faculties at universities of applied sciences in Austria. The Steyr campus is also the best in Austria for individual indicators such as "general study situation", "support from teaching staff" and "practical relevance".
The fact-based assessment by the CHE University Ranking paints a similar picture in the areas of "contact with professional practice" and "degrees within a reasonable time". Here too, the business degree programs at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr are ahead of all other management programs throughout Austria.
Top rating in all categories from students:
The current CHE university ranking confirms this: Bachelor students at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr are more satisfied than average with their business studies. In all evaluated categories, the Steyr degree programs were rated among the absolute top of all 300 German-speaking universities, universities of applied sciences and colleges. Here is an excerpt:
General study situation: 4.53 (mean value of all 300 German-speaking universities: 4.1 on a 5-point scale)
Course offerings: 4.48 (MW 4.1)
Supervision by lecturers: 4.52 (mean 4.2)
Organization of studies: 4.85 (MW 4.4)
Support during studies: 4.57 (mean 4.1)
Practical relevance: 4.7 (mean 4.1)
Practical orientation in teaching: 4.7 (mean 4.2)
All Results for Business Studies in the CHE Ranking 2023/24: HERE
About the CHE Ranking
The Center for Higher Education Development was founded in 1994 by the German Rectors' Conference and carries out one of the best-known European rankings. The ranking includes student assessments of the study conditions at the university as well as facts about studies, teaching and research. The results of the CHE ranking provide a very good overview of these topics and thus also orientation and promote transparency in the comparison and selection of the multi-layered university landscape in Austria and Germany.
With around 120,000 students surveyed and more than 300 universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of applied sciences as well as dual universities and vocational academies, the CHE Ranking is the most comprehensive and detailed comparison of universities in the German-speaking world.
Further information on the CHE ranking can be found at: https://ranking.zeit.de/che/de...

CHE Ranking 2020: Top rating for Steyr Master's Degree-Programs
In the most comprehensive German-language university ranking, the management location of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria once again achieved top marks: In all categories, the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr with its Master's degree programs is in the top group and is well above the average of all German-speaking universities of applied sciences assessed.
Markus Achleitner, Upper Austria's Provincial Councillor for Economic Affairs, commented: "This year, the management faculty in Steyr is celebrating its 25th anniversary. During this time, a university location was created in Steyr's Wehrgraben, which today enjoys a high reputation far beyond the borders of Upper Austria. With this ranking result, the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences has once again confirmed its leading position in management education in the entire German-speaking region. The FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr can score points with students not only for the quality of its courses, but also for its excellent study conditions. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to express my special thanks to the professors and staff of the faculty."
Students with above-average satisfaction
The feedback from Master's students on the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr is impressive: In the seven categories "General study situation", "Course offerings", "Study organization", "Support", "Support during studies", "Stays abroad" and "Transition between Bachelor's and Master's studies", the management faculty was consistently rated in the top group and received a far better assessment in the benchmarking with the other evaluated universities.
Some results in detail: The overall study situation at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr was rated 1.58, which is significantly better than the average of 1.9 for all evaluated universities. The topic of internationalization was rated 1.7. The mean value of all universities here is 2.2. The Steyr campus also achieved an impressive top score of 1.32 for the transition from Bachelor's to Master's degree programs (in contrast to the mean value of 2.0).
A few more highlights from the degree programs: In the "Controlling, Accounting and Financial Management" degree course, the general study situation was given the top score of 1.1, the mean score of all evaluated universities here is 1.9. Or: The study organization in "Operations Management" received a score of 1.2 (mean score 1.5). The support provided during the course of study is 1.5 for the Supply Chain Management and Digital Business Management degree programs, among others, with a mean value of 1.9.
The assessment is based on a 3-point scale: 1 (green) top group, 2 (yellow) middle group, 3 (blue) bottom group.
One of the best places to study economics in the German-speaking world
"After the excellent result in the CHE ranking of our Bachelor's degree courses in spring, the current assessment of our Master's degree courses is further confirmation of the very high quality of our education. We can proudly say that our faculty has established itself as one of the best places to study economics in German-speaking countries," says Dean Heimo Losbichler, delighted with the result. "Anyone starting a business degree in 2021 can currently find out more online on our website, in films and our podcasts, or in personal discussions or by telephone."

U-Multirank 2020: Best Management Degree Program in Austria
FH Upper Austria is the only university of applied sciences to achieve a top ranking in U-Multirank 2020
According to "U-Multirank 2020", four Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences achieved an A-score in more than 10 of a total of 29 indicators. This is the best possible result - particularly in the dimensions of research, knowledge transfer and international orientation. Alongside Graz University of Technology, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna and the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria achieved a top result in this, the world's largest university ranking. Within the Austrian institutions mentioned, 12 A ratings mean second place, just behind Graz University of Technology.
The U-Multirank is an international ranking for universities and universities of applied sciences that allows a comparison of these institutions in terms of teaching, research, know-how transfer, internationality and regional commitment. Performance in the individual categories and a total of 29 indicators is assessed on the basis of key figures with scores ranging from 'A' (very good) to 'E' (poor). In 2020, 15 Austrian universities and 10 universities of applied sciences took part in U-Multirank.
1st place for controlling degree-program
In addition to the institutional evaluation of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria with its four faculties, the business degree programs of the management faculty at the Steyr campus were also evaluated. Out of a total of 34 business studies and faculties at Austrian universities of applied sciences and universities, the Controlling, Accounting and Financial Management degree programs (Bachelor's and Master's) scored particularly well and were awarded top scores and thus first place in this ranking.
12 top scores for FH Upper Austria
The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria received four top scores in the area of knowledge transfer and three for its regional commitment. The UAS Upper Austria received the A-scores, and thus the best result, in the following 12 categories: Minimum Bachelor's degree, external research income, income from private sources, interdisciplinary publications, co-publications with industry partners, publications cited in patents, income from continuing education, student mobility, international academic staff, Bachelor's graduates working in the region, income from regional collaborations, publications with regional industry partners. https://ww.umultirank.org/stud...
About the U-Multirank
U-Multirank is a multidimensional and user-oriented approach which, in addition to an overall university comparison (Institutional Ranking) in the dimensions of teaching, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional networking, also enables a comparison at subject level (Subject Ranking). Both universities and universities of applied sciences take part in the ranking. In 2020, 25 Austrian universities took part in U-Multirank. U-Multirank is funded by the European Commission, the Bertelsmann Foundation and Banco Santander.
CHE - Ranking: Top marks for business studies in Steyr
The most comprehensive and detailed university ranking in the German-speaking world
The degree programs at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria have been taking part in the CHE evaluations since 2010 and have consistently received very good ratings. The university ranking of the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) is the most comprehensive and detailed ranking in the German-speaking world. The CHE ranking examines more than 300 universities and universities of applied sciences. In addition to facts about studies, teaching, facilities and research, the ranking includes students' assessments of the study conditions at their university. The results of the CHE ranking provide a very good overview of these topics and thus also orientation and promote transparency in the comparison and selection of the complex university landscape in Austria and Germany.
CHE RANKING 2020: Business studies in Steyr in the top field in all categories
Once again "very good" for management studies in Steyr: In the evaluation of the entire faculty, the management location of the FH Upper Austria achieved a top result: In all twelve evaluated categories, the business administration bachelor's degree programs at the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr are in the top group. The result of the faculty in Steyr is thus well above the average of the 170 evaluated business administration faculties in German-speaking countries. In the current CHE ranking, the most comprehensive and detailed university ranking in the German-speaking world, the Steyr degree programs scored particularly well in the areas of practical relevance, study organization and infrastructure.
More details https://www.fh-ooe.at/campus-s...
More information: https://ranking.zeit.de/che/de...

CHE RANKING 2017: Management faculty rated "very good"
In the categories of overall study situation, contact with professional practice, range of courses and support at the start of studies, the Steyr faculty was ranked in the top group everywhere.
More information: https://ranking.zeit.de/che/de...
Faculty audit: International experts give FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr a very good rating
Quality of education is reviewed through regular external evaluations and accreditations
The 2017 faculty audit examined the further development of the Management Faculty of the FH Upper Austria in Steyr and its degree programs. To this end, three external experts from Finland, Germany and Austria evaluated the study and research operations of the FH Upper Austria Faculty of Business and Management. In particular, the high employability, the low drop-out rates and the good communication between students and professors were praised as particular successes of the faculty.
The three experts Prof. Ari Stenroos from the Karelia University of Applied Sciences in Finland, Prof. Dr. Zümrüt Gülbay-Peischard from Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Germany and MMag. Alexandra Dorfer-Novak from the Karl-Franzens University of Graz cite, among other things, the educational objectives and teaching content in line with the professional field for the good rating of the Faculty of Management. "Thanks to the very successful positioning and the early contacts with well-known companies, graduates are offered jobs that correspond to their educational goals as well as many opportunities for further professional development," says assessor Prof. Ari Stenroos. The low drop-out rate of the Bachelor's degree programs is also rated as remarkable in the audit report (the "clear profile" of these degree programs is mentioned here), as well as the intensive communication between students and lecturers and the practical relevance of the respective degree programs. The comprehensive faculty audit takes place every five years.
99 percent of graduates have a job
For more than 10 years, the AMS has been evaluating the employment rate of graduates from the FH Upper Austria Campus Steyr every year.
The pleasing result: more than 99 percent are continuously employed. Many of them receive several job offers during their studies, often from their internship companies.
What Austria's managers say
Serial winner FH Upper Austria: Top positions in the FH ranking of the industry magazine
8 times first place for FH Upper Austria, 3 times among the top three universities of applied sciences since 2008
The Austrian INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN publishes the study "Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria" every year. Around 600 managers from all sectors of the economy are surveyed on the quality of the more than 330 accredited UAS degree programs in the fields of technology and business.
In 2019, as in previous years, the Steyr business administration degree programs once again took first place in the categories "Finance, Accounting" and "Logistics".
Bosses are happy with graduates from universities of applied sciences
After 25 years of universities of applied sciences in Austria, around 160,000 graduates are now on the job market. With around 53,000 students currently enrolled, around 13,000 leave their UAS with a degree every year. Reason enough for the Austrian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences to conduct a nationwide survey of the image of these educational institutions via the Institute for Empirical Social Research (Ifes).
In demand among students: Universum Study 2019
The comparison makes certain. What 3,300 business students from Austria think about their university and future
In 2019, 289 students from the Faculty of Management in Steyr once again took part in the annual university survey, which provides insights into students' skills, preferences and future plans as well as their image and satisfaction.
In 2019, it was once again particularly pleasing to see that business students at Campus Steyr are more satisfied than average with the education they receive at their university compared to business students at other universities (n=3,537): Steyr Campus 7.9 (out of max. 10 points), other business universities 7.4.
Steyr students gave far better ratings than their colleagues at other universities for the following questions: good reference for further education/career, good relationships with employers, teaches transferable and practical skills that employers are looking for or high employment rate.
Success Story: 25 Years of Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria
What do Mr. and Mrs. Austrians think about Universities of Applied Sciences?
In the fall of 2018, the market research institute Ifes surveyed 3,200 Austrians about their knowledge and attitudes towards Universities of Applied Sciences, which were founded 25 years ago.
The result: Universities of Applied Sciences enjoy a very positive reputation among the general population. The overall impression of surveyed educational institutions in Austria is most favorable for Universities of Applied Sciences. 69% of respondents have a (very) positive impression of Universities of Applied Sciences, followed by universities (65%, very good and good impression).
Satisfaction with the study
The survey also inquired about various aspects of the study itself. It is evident that graduates and students of Universities of Applied Sciences (FH) are significantly more satisfied than their counterparts from universities. Regarding practical relevance (FH: 76%, Uni: 38%; very and somewhat satisfied), topicality of content (79% vs. 65%), technical equipment (70% vs. 41%), support and service (70% vs. 47%), engagement and support from instructors (71% vs. 55%), as well as the availability of teaching materials (73% vs. 60%), Universities of Applied Sciences outperform universities considerably. In particular, the quality of service and the modernity of facilities are clear strengths of Universities of Applied Sciences.
The conditions of a FH study bring the positive aspect that students largely expect to complete their degrees in the minimum time, and there are enough places in the classes for all students. About 8 out of 10 FH students (79%) expect to complete their studies in the minimum time, while among university students, it's 40%. About three-quarters of FH students (73%) consider the availability of places in the classes to be sufficient (University: 63%).
The overall study conditions are highly rated by both FH and university graduates as well as students, although students and graduates of Universities of Applied Sciences tend to be more satisfied in general.
Mission and Vision
Teaching and learning with joy - researching with curiosity.
We empower people through teaching and research to sustainably shape the value chain in a global economy, contributing to the future viability of our society. To achieve this, we develop and convey methods, concepts, and models.
Values and Principles:
- Long-term thinking and foresight
- Entrepreneurial thinking and acting in the spirit of responsibility, decisiveness, and courage
- Consideration of the interests of future generations
- Social innovation to support economic and social progress
- Objective and critical handling of changes
- Readiness for new thought patterns
- Positive attitude
- Respect, tolerance, and fairness
We are among the foremost institutions in practice-oriented education and research in management in Austria. The professional and personal success of our graduates attracts dedicated and high-achieving students. We serve as catalysts and transfer platforms in our core competencies. Together with our national and international partners, we enhance the competitiveness of our country.