Career Festival Steyr
Save the Date: 03.10.2025
Career fair, street food, semester opening party and live concert - exclusively for the FH community

Career festival at Campus Steyr
All in one: career fair, semester opening party and after-party at Röda
Hold job interviews and then party right away? Yes, that's possible. At Campus Steyr at the career festival. First plan your career with around 70 companies and then celebrate the start of the new academic year. Business students at the FH OÖ Campus Steyr can do this again this year. The career festival of the FH Upper Austria Management Faculty in Steyr starts with the already traditional career fair, followed by the semester opening party in front of the FH and at KV Röda. And all of this exclusively for the Campus Steyr community.
FH Career Fair Steyr
Save the Date: 03.10.2025
Career fair: 13:00 to 17:00
Exhibition area: FH OÖ Campus Steyr, FH III
... and after the FH career fair, the semester opening party with DJ Feybl and the ÖH will continue from 17:00 on the FH III forecourt - and from 21:00 onwards with the after-party at Röda
Marlene Kürbisch, MSc
Tel.: +43 5 0804 33032
That was the 2024 career fair
Photos (c) Max Bota
AGILOX Services GmbH, ALDI SÜD Holding, Aspöck Systems GmbH, Atikon Edv & Marketing GmbH, BDO Austria, Bechtle, Bene GmbH, Bernegger GmbH, Berner Österreich Ges.m.b.H., BMD Systemhaus GesmbH, CAD+T Solutions GmbH, cargo-partner GmbH, cbs Unternehmensberatung Austria GmbH, COSMO CONSULT, delfortgroup AG, dm drogerie markt GmbH, Doka GmbH, EBNER Industrieofenbau GmbH, Eisenbeiss GmbH, ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH, Ernst & Young, ServicegmbH & Co OG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Austria GmbH & Co. KG, Fritz Holter GmbH, Fronius International GmbH, Greiner AG, GRS Wirtschaftsprüfung Steuerberatung GmbH, HARGASSNER Ges mbH, Hauser GmbH, hello again GmbH, Hödlmayr International AG, HOFER KG, Industrie Informatik GmbH, Internorm International GmbH, Kappa Filter Systems GmbH, KPMG Austria, LBG Österreich GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfung & Steuerberatung, Lenzing AG, Liebherr-Werk Bischofshofen GmbH, Logistik Service GmbH, LX media GmbH, Mehler Elektrotechnik Ges.m.b.H., Miba Group, NKE Austria GmbH, Österreichischer Verand gemeinnütziger Bauvereinigungen - Revisionsverband, Pfeiffer Hiebl Steuerberatungs GmbH & Co KG, PKF Rößlhuber & Partner StB GmbH & Co KG, Porsche Holding, Premedia GmbH, PwC Österreich GmbH WPG, Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich, Red Bull GmbH, RUBBLE MASTER HMH GmbH, S. Spitz GmbH, Schachinger Immobilien und Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co OG, Silhouette International Schmied AG, SKF Österreich AG, Smarter Ecommerce, Sparkassen Prüfungsverband, TGW Logistics Group GmbH, Tieto Austria GmbH, Trogroup GmbH, Ultimate Europe Transportation Equipment GmbH, valantic CX Austria GmbH (vormals, voestalpine Steel Division, Welser Profile Austria GmbH, WINTERSTEIGER AG, ZF Steyr Präzisionstechnik GmbH, ZKW Lichtsysteme GmbH

That was the semester opening party with DJ Feybl
Photos (c) Max Bota

Reviews of the career fair

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Reviews of the semester opening party with DJ Feybl

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