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Places to go to
Further support offers
You're not finding what you're looking for? Check out this page as well!
Emergency Phone Numbers
Ambulance: 144
Police: 133
Fire Brigade: 122
Euro-Emergency Number: 112 (valid in Austria, Europe and many other countries of the world)
Crisis Help Number: (+43) - (0)738/2177 or
Telephone Counselling: 142
Immediate Psychiatric Hepline (24/7): (+43) - (0)1/313 30
Telephone counseling of the Diocese of Upper Austria
Free, anonymous advice and support for crises, challenges and acute problems
Available by phone, chat or email around the clock
(also on Sundays and public holidays)
Tel.: 142 (emergency call)
▶ Telefonseelsorge Österreich - Notruf 142
Pro Homine
Association for mental health
Offers self-help groups for depression in Linz, Steyr, Wels, Vöcklabruck, Wels and online.
Gesund aus der Krise
Single and group counselling for children, teens and young adults
▶Gesund aus der Krise - Gesund aus der Krise
Crisis support / suicide prevention Upper Austria
For severe and acute crises, suicide prevention and personal crisis support
Available around the clock (also on Sundays and public holidays)
Regional office Linz
Tel.: 0732 - 21 77 (emergency call)
Regional office Steyr
Tel.: 07252 - 439 90
Regional office Wels
Phone: 07242 - 666 67
Information for students with disabilities at FH OÖ
FH-internal support offers, application for divergent examination methods
▶ FH OÖ | Students with Disabilities, Physical Impairments or Chronic…
Barrier-free studying and study support for students
Institute for Integrated Studies - Service and Support Center
Phone: 0732 246 837 57
E-mail: ▶
Support offers WU Vienna
Support programs for people with disabilities
Members of the FH Upper Austria Gender and Diversity Management Conference
At least 2 contact persons at each faculty
E-mail: ▶
In case of discrimination in lectures, please refer to your head of studies. If you can't come to an agreement, the next instance to contact is the collegium. Further information can be found in paragraph Abschnitt 10 – Beschwerden in studentischen Angelegenheiten an der FH OÖ.
The GDM-C can be contacted in any case.
Equal Treatment Ombudsperson
Personal consultation appointment and free consultation (also with translation service)
Mon - Thu: 09 a.m. - 3 p.m. Fri: 09 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Tel.: 0800 - 206 119 (general hotline)
Tel.: 0732 - 783 877 (regional office Upper Austria)
E-Mail: ▶
Family counseling
Institute for Family and Youth Counseling Linz
Parenting and family counseling, psychological services, family and partner counseling, legal advice
Phone: 0732 - 7070 2700
E-Mail: ▶
Pro Mente Upper Austria
Psychosocial counseling center Wels
Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Tue, Thu: 3 - 5 p.m.
Phone: +43 7242 66 667
E-Mail: ▶
Family Federation Upper Austria
Anonymous and confidential
Family, couple and parenting advice, individual life crises, legal advice
Mon: 3 - 5 p.m. Wed: 5 - 6 p.m.
Phone: 0676 - 95 55 186
E-Mail: ▶
Relationship Life Counseling of the Diocese of Linz
Phone: 0732 - 7610 3511
E-Mail: ▶
Family counseling center Wels
Tue: 2 - 5 p.m.
Wed: 09 - 12 o'clock
Appointments must be made by telephone!
Phone: +43 7242 29586
Financial crisis
ÖH Department for Social Policy
The Social Department of the Federal Representation of the ÖH informs, advises and intervenes free of charge to improve the social situation of students.
Tel.: 01 - 310 88 80 - 43 or -40
E-mail: ▶
Social Services Freistadt
Tue - Fri: 08 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Phone: 0664 - 995 184 90
E-Mail: ▶
Volkshilfe poverty assistance
Prerequisite: registration form Austria, monthly income
Details: one-off payment
Further information: ▶ Österreichweite Armutshilfe - Volkshilfe OÖ
Caritas social counseling
Caritas Social Counseling is a point of contact for people who find themselves in an existential emergency with counseling centers and regional consultation days. In addition to advice, it also provides financial bridging assistance.
Regional office Linz
Mon, Tue: 09 a.m. - 12 p.m. Wed: 1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Thu, Fri: 09 - 12 o'clock
Tel.: 0732 - 7610 2311
Regional office Wels
Mon, Tue, Thu: 09 - 12 o'clock
Tel.: 07242 - 293 01
Regional office Steyr
Mon, Tue, Thu: 09 - 12 o'clock
Phone: 07252 - 540 30
▶ Wir schaffen Hilfe: Caritas Oberösterreich (
Debt counseling Upper Austria
Strictly confidential, discreet and free advice
Regional office Linz
Phone: 0732 - 77 55 11
E-Mail: ▶
Regional office Steyr
Phone: 07252 - 52 31 0
E-Mail: ▶
Regional office Wels
Phone: 07242 - 77 55 1
E-Mail: ▶
SOMA Social Market Volkshilfe
Freistädter Straße 56-58, 4040 Linz
Vogelweiderstraße 29, 4600 Wels
Prerequisite: registration form Linz/Wels, monthly proof of income
Details: low-cost shopping after receiving the SOMA card
Further information: ▶ SOMA market - Volkshilfe OÖ
Caritas CARLA Shop & Café Linz
Details: CARLA offers items and clothing to cheap prices.
Further information: ▶ CARLA - Second Hand : Caritas Oberösterreich
Wiener Straße 47 84030 Ebelsberg
Hessenplatz 11 4020 Linz
Glimpfingerstraße 48 4020 Linz
Freistädter Straße 58 4040 Linz
Peter-Behrensplatz 9 4020 Linz
Altstadt 28 4020 Linz
Franckstraße 42 4020 Linz
Linzer Straße 33 4614 Marchtrenk
Vogelweiderstraße 29 4600 Wels
Florianiweg 7 4600 Wels
Ginzkeystraße 27 4600 Wels
Schönauerstraße 34 400 Steyr
Lasberger Straße 8 4240 Freistadt
Details: sells donated goods to people of all incomes
Further information: ▶ Volkshilfe-Shops - Volkshilfe OÖ
Hauptstraße 31 4232 Hagenberg
Dinghoferstraße 60 4020 Linz
Redtenbacherstraße 3 4400 Steyr
Linzer Straße 42 4614 Marchtrenk
Requirements: 1-person household: max. €1,375, 2-person household (spouse, cohabiting partner): max. €1,950, for each dependent child living in the household: €350 (apprentices, civilian service, military service are not included)
Details: Sale of food and goods for daily use
Further information: ▶ Rotkreuz-Markt – Rotes Kreuz
Second Hand
Many other items can be purchased second-hand at a reasonable price. Search on Google Maps to find stores near you or have a look on willhaben!
Further information: ▶ Kostenlose Kleinanzeigen, Immobilien, Gebrauchtwagen, Jobs - willhaben
Financial support and scholarships
Study grant
Contact by phone or via online form
Mon, Tue and Thu: 09 - 12 o'clock
Phone: 0732 - 66 40 31
Housing allowance - Upper Austria
Advice and preliminary discussion on the application can take place in person or by telephone.
Tel.: 0732 - 77 20 141 40
E-mail: ▶
Family benefits
Parents are granted family allowance for children, regardless of their employment or income.
Information on merit, support, international, mobility, language, degree and self-support scholarships
▶ Stipendien (
Active Pass City of Linz
The Aktivpass of the City of Linz supports low-income Linzers by offering discounts at numerous facilities.
Phone: 0732 - 7070 0
E-Mail: ▶
Active Pass City of Leonding
The Aktivpass of the city of Leonding supports people on lower incomes with numerous discounts in Leonding and the Linzer Linien.
Phone: 0732 - 68 78 0
E-Mail: ▶
Hunger for art and culture
The culture pass gives socially disadvantaged people free admission to numerous cultural institutions.
ÖH Mensa bonus
ÖH Social Fund
The Federal ÖH offers support for students in social need.
ÖH legal advice
ÖH legal advice, start-up/founder advice, consumer protection, employee protection, data protection, housing and tenancy law.
Overview financial Assistances Chambor of Labor
▶ Beihilfen für Studierende | Arbeiterkammer
Consultation ÖH Social Services Department
Hopelessness / Mental Health
FH Upper Austria Internal Support
For internal problems that do not concern the study organization, but emotional challenges with teachers, students or administrative staff
E-mail: ▶
First aid for the soul
Consultation hours at all faculties of the FH Upper Austria
▶ Gender & Diversity Management Konferenz | FH OÖ (
Proges therapy centers
Free therapy - medical diagnosis and referral required
Proges psychotherapy clearing center
Phone: 0800 - 20 25 33
Ö3 - helpline
Contact point for personal emergencies such as lovesickness, bullying, depression, personal crises, strokes of fate or simply loneliness
Daily between 4 p.m. and midnight (free of charge)
Phone: 116 123
Catholic university community
Pastoral care, counseling for all life situations, events for students - open to all
Phone: +43 676 8776 3502
E-mail: ▶
Instagram: ▶ @khg_linz_leben
Self-help groups Upper Austria
▶ Selbsthilfegruppe finden (
EXIT-Social Counseling Centers Linzer
Phone: 0732 - 719 719
E-Mail: ▶
ARGE online counseling
Contact point for people with conflicts and problems in the personal and interpersonal area such as
- Marriage, partnership, family and life issues
- parenting issues
- Separation and divorce counseling
- Legal advice in family matters
- Questions relating to pregnancy, birth and family planning
- Counseling for women
- Men's counseling
Mail and individual chat counseling, anonymous, uncomplicated and free of charge
Amike-Telefon by Diakonie
Free telephone advice for people with a refugee or migrant background. Calls possible in Farsi/ Dari, Arabic, Kurdish, English, German, BKS, Russian, Turkish and Ukrainian.
Linz Women's Health Center
Counseling and psychological help for women
Phone: 0677 - 990 204 72
E-mail: ▶
Psychological student counseling (Linz)
Mon - Thu: 07:30 - 15:30
Fri: 07:30 - 13:30
Phone: 0732 - 2468 7930
E-Mail: ▶
Chat: ▶ www.studierendenberatung-onlin...
Freistadt Social Service
The "Sozialservice Freistadt" offers advice and support as a contact point (free of charge and confidential).
The Social Service helps with:
- Social issues and concerns
- Advice and help in emergency situations
- Assistance with financial overload
- Support with applications
- Issuing the social market card
- Information and referral to regional and national help services
- Referral to mobile care services
- Networking in the social sector
Tue - Fri: 08 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Phone: 0664 - 995 184 90
Online counseling from experienced psychologists, anonymous, no waiting times
Costs between €49 - €69 per consultation, no minimum term, can be canceled at any time
Counseling center for addiction issues (for drug addiction and illegal substances, gambling addiction, etc.)
Confidential, anonymous, free of charge
Mon and Fri: 10 am - 2 pm
Tue and Thu: 1 - 5 p.m.
Phone: 0732 - 770 89 50
E-Mail: ▶
Psychosocial counseling center Wels
Pollheimerstraße 15
4600 Wels
Phone: 00 43 / 72 42 / 66 667
Mail: ▶
Mo - Fr: 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Tue, Thu: 15.00 - 17.00 Uhr
ÖH Services
Consulting service, helpline, personal coaching,..
If your looking for social contact outside of the campus as well, consider trying Plaudertischerl! Available dates can be found here.
Secretariat and lecturers
At every campus of the FH Upper Austria
Study / course management
At every campus of the FH Upper Austria
International Office
At every campus of the FH Upper Austria
ÖH Services
▶ ÖH FH Oberösterreich: Services (
Advice for people with a migration background
Phone: 0732 - 667 363
In case of overwhelm (due to studying), exam anxiety, psychological complaints, organizational and financial difficulties - support from trained psychotherapists
Mon: 3 - 6 p.m.
Wed: 4 - 6 p.m.
Thurs: 4 - 6 p.m.
Tel.: 01 - 585 33 33
▶Helpline - Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft (ÖH) (
Ombudsman's office for students
Conciliation office for study-related issues
Mon - Fri: 09 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tel.: 0800 - 311 650
Advice on pregnancy and birth
Mon-Thu: 08 - 12 o'clock
Phone: 0732 - 778 300
E-Mail: ▶
Association for youth, family and sexual counseling
Mon: 3 - 5 p.m. Wed: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Thu: 12 - 2 p.m.
Phone: 0732 - 770 497
E-Mail: ▶
Pregnancy counseling
Phone: 0732 - 761 034 18
E-Mail: ▶
Association for single parents
Mon: 08 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 3 pm
Tue: 08 - 12 o'clock and 13 - 15 o'clock
Phone: 0732 - 654 270
Online counseling - appointments possible daily (Mon - Fri)
E-Mail: ▶
Psychological Student Counselling Center
Help and support during challenging times - via telephone, email or in person
The Psychological Counseling Centers help you choose and start your university studies, assist you in your personal development and provide guidance for academic and personal challenges.
Sexual harrassment or violence
Sexual harassment can affect anyone.
I am affected myself.
I am a witness.
I am a superior.
I am a colleague/fellow student.
Take a look at this to see the next steps.
(Trans-) identity and sexuality
Hosi Linz
Homosexual Initiative Linz - The lesbian and gay movement in Upper Austria
Counseling for lesbians, gays and transgender people and their relatives. The association offers educational work, workshops and seminars on the subject of (homo)sexuality.
Tel.: 0732 - 770 497
Contact point for trans identity, physicality, sexuality and partnership
Mon: 3 - 5 p.m.
Wed: 11 am - 1 pm
Thu: 12 - 2 p.m.
Phone: 0732 - 770 497
E-Mail: ▶
LGBTIQ+* Competence Centre
kostenlose Erstberatung vor Ort oder telefonisch
kein Termin notwendig
- Mo-Mi: 16 - 18 Uhr
- Do: 17-19 Uhr
- Fr: 16-18 Uhr
- Tel.: +43 664 80651 6970 oder +43 664 80651 6971
- E-Mail: ▶
Violence and abuse
Women's helpline against violence
Anonymous, free of charge, 24 hours
Phone: 0800 - 222 555
Violence Protection Center Linz
Free of charge, confidential, with appointment
Phone: 0732 - 607 760
E-Mail: ▶
Autonomous Austrian women's shelters
Phone: 01 / 544 08 20
Women's Center Linz
Specialist advice center for relationship problems, difficult life situations, separation and divorce and all forms of violence. We support girls and women in cases of sexual violence and accompany them through criminal proceedings.
Phone: 0732 - 602 200
E-mail: ▶
Women's counseling Wels
Please make an appointment by telephone.
Martin-Luther Platz 1/4
4600 Wels
Phone: 07242/45293
E-Mail: ▶
24-hour women's helpline
Anonymous, free of charge, 24 hours
Phone: 01 - 71 71 9
E-Mail: ▶
Association Spektrum - Gallneukirchen
Counseling for women, family and non-violent living.
Mon - Thu: 08:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Open meeting point and women's café
Mon: 09:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Tel.: 07235 - 659 69
Mobile: 0664 642 06 23
E-Mail: ▶
Center for family therapy and men's counseling
For problems in the partnership and/or in the family, professional overload, ways out of violence
Mon, Tue, Thu: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Wed, Fri: 08 - 12 o'clock
Phone: 0732 - 77 20 533 00
E-Mail: ▶
Help Chat
Online advice for women* and girls* affected by violence.
Free of charge and anonymous
Daily 6 - 10 p.m.
every Friday from 09 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Hotline for violent men
Hotline for men who are looking for a way out of (domestic) violence.
Tel.: 0820 - 43 92 58
Men's info
Anonymous, confidential, free of charge, 24-hour support for coping with acute conflict and crisis situations Information, advice and emergency shelters.
Phone: 0800 - 400 777
Anonymous report to the GDM-C
Your concern will always be treated confidentially.