Home Info Services Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

Since July 2022, 16 FH staff members are trained mental health first responders. They act as a contact point for all members of the FH Upper Austria in matters of mental health.

They are available and can be contacted at any time via email, phone, MS Teams chat, or in person.

Mental health first responders offer low-level mental health care and one-on-one conversations. If necessary, the mental health frst responders will refer you to a further contact person, organization, or institution. “First aid for the soul“ does not replace coaching or a discussion with therapists or psychologists, but it can precede it. Furthermore, first responders can provide support for mental health in crisis situations.

Team Hagenberg

Counselling sessions for students and staff in Hagenberg in room U.lab FH2, level 4 every first Friday of the month from 10:00 to 11:00, no registration necessary.

Portraitfoto von Michaela Derntl

Derntl Michaela

Dean's Assistant
E-Mail: michaela.derntl@fh-hagenberg.at
Mon/Fr: 08:00-14:00 Uhr
Tue/Thurs: 08:00-13:00 Uhr
Wed: 08:00-16:30 Uhr

Portraitfoto von Thomas Kern

Kern Thomas

TIMed Center, Research & Education
SH3.209 - TIMed CENTER, Student Halls in front of. FH2, 2nd Floor
E-Mail: thomas.kern@fh-ooe.at
Phone: +43 (0)50804-27110
Mobile: +43 (0)664 80484-27110

Motto: Watch out, be careful and don't take any shit! (Kurt Ostbahn)

Portraitfoto von Mersits Susanna

Mersits Susanna

Library Campus Hagenberg, FH 2
E-Mail: susanna.mersits@fh-hagenberg.at
Phone: +43 (0)50804-24020
and through MS Teams and in person during library opening times

Portraitfoto von Paar Johanna

Paar Johanna

Library Campus Hagenberg, FH 2
E-Mail: susanna.mersits@fh-hagenberg.at
Phone: +43 (0)50804-24020
and through MS Teams and in person during library opening times

Portraitfoto von Petra Wiesinger

Wiesinger Petra

Assistant Diversity Management
SH3, 2nd Floor of the Student Halls in front of FH 2
E-Mail: johanna.paar@fh-hagenberg.at
Phone: +43 (0)50804-21531 as well as per Teams and in person
Mon/Tue: 07:00-16:00
Thur/Fr: 07:00-11:30

Team Linz

Conselling sessions for students and staff in room 208, building A, every Friday from 11:00 - 12:00 during course times. No registration necessary.

Ehrenmüller Irmtraud

Building A, 2nd Floor, Room 266 ("Glasss Office") - I'm always available when I'm in the office, just come in!
E-Mail: irmtraud.ehrenmueller@fh-linz.at

Motto: Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

Portrait von Roswitha Hölzl

Hölzl Roswitha

Lecturer in the study programme Social work
E-Mail: roswitha.hoelzl@fh-linz.at

Motto: Prevention is better than cure!

Kohlfürst Iris

Professor for Methods and Ethics in Social Work
E-Mail: iris.kohlfuerst@fh-linz.at

Portraitfoto von Robert Merwa

Merwa Robert

Department Medical Technology
E-Mail: robert.merwa@fh-linz.at
Mon-Fr per Email, Teams, Telephone, in the office, and also on the weekends in emergencies.

Team Steyr

Portraitfoto von Daniela Hüttner

Hüttner Daniela

Programme Administration Smart Production and Management Bachelor
Room 3131, OG, FH I
E-Mail: daniela.huettner@fh-steyr.at
Phone: +43 (0)50804-33100
Mon/Wed: 08:00-16:00 in the office
Tue/thur: 08:00-16:00 working from home
Fri: 08:00-15:30

Portraitfoto von Julia Merkinger

Merkinger Julia

Library Assistant
Library FH III, 3rd Floor
E-Mail: julia.merkinger@fh-steyr.at
Phone: +43 (0)50804-33072
Mon-Fri 08:00-11:30 and 12:30-16:00

Team Wels

Portraitfoto von Claudia Probst

Probst Claudia

Head of Studies Agricultural Technology and Management
E-Mail: claudia.probst@fh-wels.at
Phone: +43 (0)50804-44090

Portraitfoto von Manuel Selg

Selg Manuel

Head of Studies Environmental Technology
E-Mail: manuel.selg@fh-wels.at
Phone: +43 (0)50804-44020

Getting help is a sign of personal greatness!