Research Infrastructure and Laboratory Equipment

The FH Upper Austria Campus Wels places technology and applied natural sciences at the center of its research and development work. The faculty is one of the most research-intensive and best-equipped faculties in Europe.

Home Research Center Wels Research Infrastructure and

Forschungsinfrastruktur und Laborausrüstung

we offer equipment for mechanical materials testing, non-destructive materials testing, microscopy, polymer processing, polymer rheology and surface technology

the Center of Excellence Food Technology and Nutrition offers expertise and infrastructure for bioanalytics, molecular biology, cell culture models, animal substitute models and microscopy

in high-voltage technology, we offer state-of-the-art laboratories and test facilities such as Marx generators, AC/DC systems and high-current systems for theoretical and experimental investigations


Priv.-Doz. Mag. Clemens Röhrl PhD

Leiter Research Center

Carola Dimmler


Beschaffung - F&E