Railway Automation and Telematics

This research group was founded in 1999 and has been dealing with topics regarding automation in the railway industry and telematics in public transit.

Research Focus

Train protection systems for regional lines

This research focus deals with cost-effective technologies and processes for securing railway lines with low traffic demand. Example projects include the GPS-based train protection system for the Pinzgau railway, the SATLOC project (EU project for train protection on routes with low traffic density) and the integration of the protection of railway crossings into a train control system.

Autonomous train driving

This research focus deals with procedures for organising automated operation (GoA 3/4) on regional lines with open track access.

Automation in rail freight transport

This area deals with questions of how the rail freight transport of the future can be improved by automating processes like shunting.

Transport telematics topics

This focus area deals with topics from the fields of dynamic passenger information, baggage logistics in railway stations, airports and trains, Logistics 4.0 with the areas of "Physical Internet".

Contact and People

Campus Wels, Main Building A (Stelzhamerstraße 23) - A03-016

Research Group Lead

FH-Prof. DI Dr. Burkhard Stadlmann


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Members of the Research Group

FH-Prof. PD DI Dr. Martin Egger


für Konstruktionswissenschaften und technische Logistik

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DI Tobias Hasenleithner BSc

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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DI Gabriel Stephan Himmelbauer BSc

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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Rene Lorenz BSc MSc

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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Thomas Penkner BSc MSc

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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Georg Roman Schneider BSc MSc

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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DI (FH) Rainer Widmann

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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Current and completed projects



Published papers
