Embedded Systems (EMB)

The ‘Wearable’ team works on networked embedded systems that are attached to the body during use - these smart textiles are integrated into clothing, recognize movement patterns and measure temperatures, humidity and other biometric data. The ‘AI for Resource Limited Devices’ team deals with artificial intelligence on limited embedded systems and implements efficient AI algorithms that work without a server and network connection. The ‘Signal Processing’ team deals with CAD of electronic circuits and devices with emphasis on radio frequency technology up to the THz range and digital signal processing for next generation mobile phones as well as artificial intelligence employing novel methods based on differential equations.

FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Georg Brachtendorf
für Systemmodellierung

FH-Prof. DI Mag. Dr. Josef Langer
für Mikroprozessor- und Echtzeitsysteme