Logistics is the future. How we think today determines how we live tomorrow. We get to the bottom of things, we deal with them in detail, we go the whole hog. Thereby, we leave our mark - in research, teaching, business ... and above all on people.

We have grouped the logistics topics into areas that help us to find effective solutions:
Supply Chain Management
The internationalisation of society and the economy means greater networking and leads to opportunities and risks for companies. The ‘Supply Chain Management’ competence centre helps to address these issues and offers its corporate and research partners comprehensive expertise in the design of sustainable and resilient value creation networks and in dealing with complexity and security risks in cross-company relationships.


FH-Assistenzprof. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Michael Plasch BA MA
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Transport and logistics management
The scientific analysis of current challenges and innovations in the areas of transport logistics and mobility and, above all, the measurement of the sustainable effects of these new solutions are at the centre of the ‘Transport and Logistics Management’ competence area.


FH-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schildorfer
In the retail sector, we support and shape the (digital) transformation of retail in the 21st century in close dialogue with key leading companies and stakeholders in the retail discipline.


FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Oliver Schauer MBA
Data Analytics & Foresight
Increasingly networked supply chains are producing vast amounts of data. The ‘Data Analytics & Foresight’ area of expertise researches the application of innovative AI and machine learning algorithms in supply chain management. The identification of the right questions and use cases is just as important as the preparation of the required data, the selection of the most efficient algorithms and the integration of the results into SCM processes.


FH-Prof. Dr. Patrick Brandtner BA MA MSc

Contact Logistikum

FH-Prof. DI Franz Staberhofer
für Wirtschaft/ Kooperationen