Digital Business Institute
Join us in unlocking the potential of digitalisation in Digital Strategy & Innovation, Digital Marketing & Commerce and Digital Work & Life.
Digital transformation...
... is bringing about massive changes in business, science, politics and society. Numerous new concepts such as Industry 5.0, big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence play a decisive role in this. The timely implementation of digitalisation projects with research institutions is becoming a decisive competitive factor. The expertise of the Digital Business Institute helps to close knowledge gaps in the economy and shows concrete implementation options in practice. Take your company to the next level of digitalisation together with us in cooperative research projects!

Digital Strategy & Innovation
Digital strategies and innovation pave the way for the successful further development of your company. As a prerequisite for the strategic (re)orientation of companies in terms of digital leadership, the concepts of business model innovation and digital entrepreneurship must be firmly anchored in their DNA.

Digital Marketing & Commerce
Our research in the field of Digital Marketing & Commerce shows how digital technologies can be used to unlock business potential and create positive customer experiences in an omni-channel environment. We promote the development of user- and data-centred marketing management. We utilise state-of-the-art concepts and technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics and metaverse.

Digital Work & Life
The increasing intensity of use of digital technologies influences all areas of work and life and is the subject of our research in the field of Digital Work & Life. The insights we have gained into social media use, dependencies on digital tools, working from home, technostress, information overload and IT-based interruptions form the basis for the effective and economical design of digital working and living environments in which people benefit from the use of digital technologies and do not fall victim to them.

VR and AR in marketing
The use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) is recognised as having great potential in marketing. These digital technologies allow consumers, for example, to immerse themselves in immersive experiences that enable companies to present their brands, products and services in a completely new way. Interactive brand experiences are just as possible as augmenting the real world with digital content to test products before buying. In our research, we explore these new possibilities and their consequences for companies and consumers alike. We create new insights for marketing and consumer behaviour research by applying different empirical methods - including psychometric as well as physiometric measurement. (Photo credit:

Digital Retail: EU project PERFORM
PERFORM (Pioneering the Digital Future for Omnichannel Retail Managers), a Marie Skłodowska Curie project (2018-2022), funded by the EU with 3.86 million euros, aimed to make the European retail sector more competitive through research and training. Coordinated by Maynooth University (IE) and FH Oberösterreich and partners in five countries, it addressed challenges facing the sector through digital transformation. By establishing a network for training and research, 15 doctoral students were trained to strengthen omnichannel retailing, improve the customer journey and develop new business models. The participating institutions focus on various aspects such as user experience, data protection and innovative payment methods.

Research on IT-based interruption
Research on interruptions has produced different perspectives. In modern working environments, interruptions caused by digital technologies are omnipresent. For example, the constant checking of incoming emails and instant messages influences task completion in the workplace, which is why the effective handling of IT-based interruptions plays a central role in an increasingly digital world. The ‘Interruption’ project, funded by the state of Upper Austria via the FFG, is investigating the impact of digital technologies on interruptions as well as downstream effects such as possible declines in labour productivity. (Photo credit: @firmbee

Research on negative consumer voices on the internet
Consumers often express their opinions about companies, brands, products and services publicly on the internet, where they can be seen by a potentially large audience of interested parties. These opinions have a significant influence on purchasing behaviour. Our research focuses on the emergence of both positive and negative voices on the internet (online engagement), how they influence consumer decisions and how companies should deal with electronic word of mouth both proactively and reactively. We pay particular attention to researching possible coping strategies to reduce the negative effects of public criticism in social media (negative word-of-mouth). Our experiment-based studies in particular provide comprehensive recommendations for practical action. (Photo credit:

Research on digital stress
Digital stress is playing an increasingly central role in our working and living environments. The use and ubiquity of digital technologies is more pronounced than ever before. Findings from scientific research show that digital stress is a significant phenomenon worldwide that is associated with negative consequences (e.g. reduction in job satisfaction and mental health). In addition, current research results show that new phenomena of digital stress such as videoconference fatigue are becoming increasingly important due to changes in internal and external communication behaviour. On the basis of an FWF-funded project on technostress in organisations, the causes and consequences of digital stress have been researched for many years in order to develop effective coping strategies. This helps organisations to avoid digital stress or at least mitigate its negative consequences.

Evidence-based market and opinion research
Empirical studies are carried out for issues in the end customer sector, particularly on topics relating to consumer behaviour. An exemplary topic would be the influence of digitalisation on the (decision-making) behaviour of consumers. In order to answer the individual questions, the planning of the survey, the creation of the questionnaires, the survey itself and the interpretation and visualisation of the results are carried out. Scientific researchers are supported in their empirical research as well as in the development and testing of hypotheses. All of these services are also offered for clinical studies. This also includes support in drawing up the study protocol and submitting applications to the ethics committee.

Contact Digital Business Institute

FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Andreas Auinger
für Digital Business