Home Quality & Awards Code of Conduct Suppliers

Code of Conduct Suppliers

The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria has developed a code of conduct for suppliers that describes the most important social, ecological and ethical requirements and expects its suppliers and subcontractors to comply with this code of conduct.

Suppliers must ensure compliance with minimum social protection (in accordance with Art. 3 in conjunction with 18 EU Taxonomy Regulation). These requirements are reflected in the 10 universal principles of the “UN Global Compact” in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption. These principles, as well as additional provisions, form the principles of the sustainability requirements of the FH Upper Austria.

The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria prefers to award contracts to suppliers who see it as their mission to continuously improve their business practices with regard to sustainability and to drive innovation in this regard.

Here you can find the FH Upper Austria Code of Conduct Suppliers:


Code of Conduct Suppliers




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