Record research year at FH Upper Austria - 13% increase in turnover
FH Upper Austria researches next-generation passenger aircraft with FACC
From left: Prof. Priv. Doz. DI Dr. Johann Kastner, Vice-president FH Upper Austria Research & Development, MMag. Isolde Perndl, Commerical Director of FH Upper Austria, Upper Austrian Minister of Economics and Research Markus Achleitner, Robert Machtlinger, CEO FACC AG, and Prof. DI Dr. Michael Rabl, President FH Upper Austria. Image source: Land OÖ/Charlotte Guggenberger, use with attribution
In 2024, the Research & Development GmbH of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria achieved a total turnover of EUR 34.2 million (incl. R&D investments). Compared to the previous year, this represents an increase of 12.9 percent, which can be attributed to the intensive work of 230 full-time and 242 professors. More than 600 companies and institutions in businessand society, around 60 percent of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), benefit from the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria*s research performance.
“The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria strengthens the competitiveness of its business location not only by employing highly qualified specialists, but also by providing innovative research results. The application-oriented research conducted by the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria is of central importance for the innovative edge of our federal state”, emphasizes Markus Achleitner, Upper Austrian Minister of Economics and Research.
High order backlog - many new projects acquired
In 2024, the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria recorded very successful acquisition activity with a total of 30 million euros. With the support of the EU, the federal government and the province of Upper Austria, numerous projects were launched. “Research can build a bridge between theoretic learning and its application and between education and the future. Society and economy benefit from our practical and innovative work in teaching and research,” emphasizes Michael Rabl, President of the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences.
Research cooperations fuel our industry
“The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria provides applied research with added value for the regional economy and society. Especially in challenging times, research and cooperation can make significant contributions to solutions,” says Johann Kastner, Vice President for Research and Development at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. Sustainability and digitalization take on an increasingly central role in the corporate culture and in business models of Upper Austrian companies. As one of the technology leaders in the aerospace sector, FACC AG has played a pioneering role in the field of sustainableand efficient mobility for many years. Research cooperations, such as those that have been created between the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and FACC years ago, form the basis for the further development and application of innovative processes and products in the mobility of the future.
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