Exchange Students
Study in Upper Austria - gain international experience

The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria cooperates with more than 200 partner universities worldwide. If you are a student of one of our partner universities, we are looking forward to hosting you as an exchange student for one or two semesters here in Upper Austria. Student exchange agreements are usually signed on the faculty level, therefore please check which of our four schools maintains a cooperation with your home university. Exchange students can generally only take courses at one campus.
In order to apply as an exchange student, you need to be nominated by your home university. Therefore please contact the international office at your home institution about the selection and nomination process first.
Internationalization, in line with increasing demand in business, is of primary importance at the FH Upper Austria. Students who go abroad for a semester or a year do not only learn a lot about other cultures and languages, they also gain self-confidence and independence in their daily organisation of life.
There are four main options for gaining international experience: ·
- Spending an exchange semester abroad at one of our partner universities
- Completing an internship abroad ·
- Participating in a research project
- Participating in a summer school
Some of our degree programs include a semester abroad as part of their standard curriculum, but it is also possible in all other programs. Beyond that, we have agreements with partner universities which sometimes even enable students to obtain an additional academic degree from the partner institution (double degree).
Various funding programs such as Erasmus + and IPS support students financially.