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Erasmus+ Study Abroad

Student Mobility Studies SMS

With Erasmus+, students can spend part of their studies at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria's European partner universities. Erasmus+ can support study related stays abroad of 2-12 months per study cycle. The funding period and amount depends on the duration of the stay, the available budget and other (individual) factors. Please take this into account when planning your stay abroad. For detailed information, please contact the respective International Office.

Duration of Studies Abroad

Erasmus+ supports study stays of two to twelve months per study cycle (Bachelor, Master, PhD). Students can combine several stays abroad as long as the total length does not exceed one year.

Funding Rates for Erasmus+ Studies

The length of the grant and the monthly grant amount varies depending on the host country and social need. Students with fewer opportunities (student grant recipients, students with children, students with disabilities) receive an additional monthly grant and are supported for the entire duration of their stay.

A one-time subsidy is provided for the use of environmentally friendly means of transport.

Students receiving study grants can also apply for a grant for studying abroad. You can find more information about this on the der Website der Studienbeihilfenbehörde (Student Aid Office).

Students who study abroad with Erasmus+ do not pay tuition fees at their host university.

For more information, please contact the respective International Office.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. https://erasmusplus.at/de/hochschulbildung/studierende-und-graduierte/