Medical Engineering
Master, Full Time

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Engineers for qualified Medical Device Development
Key Facts
Diplom-Ingenieur für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe, Diplom-Ingenieurin für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe -
4 semesters -
Mode Of Study
Full Time -
English -
Annual Intake
23 -
Access Requirements
Graduates of Medical-/Biomedical Engineering bachelor’s degree programmes with 180 ECTS points or more; Graduates with degrees in other technical areas: please see also section Entrance requirements
Deadline for Applications
EU-member: 30 June
Non-EU-member: 31 March -
Admission Process
Job Profiles
Did you know that …
... Medical Engineering belongs to the most innovative technologies of the future? That it provides products which help to save other human beings and to improve the quality of their lives? That the newly established Medical School in Linz will stimulate the development of the Medical Engineering sector in Upper Austria?
How do I apply?
The application process is really quite straightforward.
All applicants must complete the Online Application along with the required supplements. You will need to submit:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Personal Statement (objectives, career aspirations, personal interests and plans)
- Copy of your Passport
- Birth Certificate
- Legalized complete Secondary school leaving certificate or general university entrance qualification
- Legalized Bachelor's degree certificate
- Legalized Official Transcript of Records (list of all attended/completed courses with indication of grades, contact hours and ECTS credits)
- English Language Certificate (TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate - Level B2)
In case your original documents are not issued in English, please make sure to submit scans of your original documents as well as certified translations of those documents.
When is the application deadline?
<span style="color:red">Link auf die "Bewerben" Seite mit den Deadlines </span>
Will I be interviewed?
All applicants, who meet the entrance requirements, will be invited to a personal interview.
Dates for the interview are listed in the Application Process section.
What qualifications are acceptable?
Graduates of technical-scientific bachelor’s degree programmes in engineering with 180 ECTS points or more are entitled to apply. Applicants should prove at least 120 ECTS points in engineering courses of medical engineering/medical device technology.
Graduates with technical-scientific degrees than Medical Engineering have to acquire additional credit hours:
Bachelor mechatronics: up to 15 ECTS
Bachelor automation or physics: up to 30 ECTS
Bachelor computer science: up to 45 ECTS
Practical experience in programming tools is required.
Are my qualifications acceptable?
To check the appropriateness of your qualification please contact the administration office enclosing your bachelor's degree certificate and transcript of records (brief details of the courses that you have taken/are taken, together with your achieved grades).
Do I need an English language certification?
It is essential that your English language skills are good enough for you to undertake an intensive and challenging academic course that is taught and examined in English. As a result if your first language is not English you will be asked to submit an English language certificate.
More information about acceptable English language certificates can be found in the FH OÖ | Applying section.
When is the beginning of studies?
It is only possible to start your studies in fall term.
General Dates:
The academic year consists of two semesters - fall term and spring term. Lectures are held from Monday until Friday, in some cases on Saturday.
Fall Term • mid-September - 31 January
Spring Term • end-February/1 March - 30 June
Fall term/Spring term • during the semester
Christmas break
24 December - 6 January
Easter break
week before Easter including Easter Monday
Public Holidays
26 October - Public Holiday • 1 November - All Saint's Day • 8 December - Immaculate Conception • 1 January - New Year's Day • 6 January - Epiphany
1 May - National Holiday • 15 August - Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Other public holidays can be found here: Austria Info
Lecture dates and exam periods may differ each calendar year.
What are ECTS credits?
ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits are a numerical value allocated to course units to denote the student workload required to complete them. They reflect the quantity of work required by each course in relation to the total quantity of work necessary to complete a full year of academic study at the institution including lectures, practical work, seminars, tutorials, fieldwork and private study as well as assessment activities. Thus, ECTS is based on a full student workload and not limited to contact hours only. The basic allocation of academic credits in ECTS is 60 credits for a full year of study; 30 credits per semester.
Credits are awarded only when the course has been completed and all required examinations have been passed. In other words, students do not get ECTS credits simply for attending classes. They must complete all requirements for each course to satisfy the specific learning objectives.
Which academic degree will be awarded?
Students of our master’s degree programme will be awarded the academic degree Dipl.-Ing.
The academic degree "Dipl.-Ing." corresponds to the international degree "Master of Science in Engineering".
What fees will I have to pay?
Tuition fee of EUR 363,36 + Austrian students' union fee (ÖH-Beitrag) per semester for students from EU and EEA countries.
Tuition fee of EUR 726,72 + Austrian students' union fee (ÖH-Beitrag) per semester for students from non-EU member states.
More information about Financial Matters can be found here.
Are there any scholarships available? provides information concerning grants and scholarships available in Austria.
More information about Financial Matters can be found here.
Is Linz an expensive city to live in?
By European standards, the cost of living in Austria is average. Basic costs for food and accommodation can be estimated between € 600 and € 700 per month. Additionally: costs for your studies and personal needs will be approx. € 300.
Detailed information can be found at StudyinAustria.
Can I visit FH Upper Austria before I apply?
Every year there are two open days organised by the FH Upper Austria. To find out more about the open days and the dates of forthcoming events, please see News&Events.
But don’t worry if you can’t manage a visit to FH Upper Austria. You don’t have to attend an open day in order to apply.
Where is Linz and how do I get there?
Linz is the third-largest city of Austria and capital of the state of Upper Austria. It is located in the north centre of Austria, approximately 30 km south of the Czech border, on both sides of the river Danube.
If you are travelling to Linz to have a look at FH Upper Austria - campus Linz, please follow the link to find a detailed travel direction.
Where will I live?
Since Linz is home to five universities, there are numerous student dormitories. Rent starts at about Euro 220,-/month.
You can find a list about dormitories here.
Please note: the postal code 4020 indicates the city center, probably a preferred location for our students.

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Fakultät für Medizintechnik und Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften
TelephoneT +43 5 0804 52100