"Initially, what appealed to me most about the EE programme at the FH was the broad range of industry-relevant skills it offered you to learn. Well, yeah, I mean, you'd never really get to use all of them simultaneously in your future career, but hey, you never really know what niche detail of your portfolio appeals to your prospective employer..."
"The classes are practice oriented with a hands-on approach"
Then there are cool aspects of the program I only got to learn after starting it. The classes are practice oriented with a hands-on approach that ensures you are a competent Electrical Engineer by the time you've graduated.
"Your colleagues here are your lifesavers, and you can count on them"
"And last, and perhaps THE stand-out aspect of the program, the small class sizes that ensures the level of closeness between peers that's unique and quintessential to the FH. Your colleagues here are your lifesavers, and you can count on them for stuff both within and beyond the FH. My goal is to complete the program assured that it'll leave me well prepared to face the field of Engineering I'm thoroughly passionate about. The field that's as vast as they come and with endless possibilities!"