Master Thesis Guidelines
All relevant guidelines can be found in the document "Master thesis: Submission and Restricted Access".
The following is especially important for the library:
- hardcover binding: bookbinder’s adhesive binding (adhesive on rounded body), with headband (see illustration)
- material: buckram or artificial woven leather
- colour: dark blue or black
- embossing with gold or aluminium foil:
- name (first AND last name!) on the spine at the top,
- Master thesis on the front board (NOT "Diploma Thesis" or "Master's Thesis)
Spiralisation, adhesive binding with hinge strips or rail, foil as a cover or similar types of binding are not allowed and will not be accepted.
Please note that your master thesis will not be accepted if it does not meet the above criteria!

Title page
It is especially important for the library that the title page of your master thesis is written in the correct way! We therefore recommend using the template for academic work (with macros) from the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.
IMPORTANT: At the University of applied sciences wels campus, there is no longer a diploma course, which means that without exception, every student writing a thesis either writes a bachelor thesis or a master thesis, but never a Diploma thesis! This also applies to the master's programs that conclude with a Dipl. Ing. Title! Furthermore, it is important that the correct title of the degree programme appears on the title page.
Please note that your master thesis will not be accepted if the title page is not written in the correct way!
Sworn declaration
On page XVI from the template for academic work (with macros) you will find the template for the sworn declaration.
Please note that the sworn declaration must be signed by hand. A digital signature is not valid, the work will therefore not be accepted if the sworn declaration is digitally signed or not signed at all.
Restricted Access
On page 5 of "Master thesis: Submission and Restricted Access" you will find the application form for restricted access of a Master thesis.
FHG 19 (3): "A master's thesis that has received a positive assessment shall be published by lodging it with the library of the university of applied sciences. On lodging a master's thesis with a library, the author shall be entitled to apply for access to the copies deposited with the library to be withheld for a maximum of five years from the time of submission. Such applications shall be approved, if the student establishes that important legal or business interests of the student would be materially endangered by permitting access."
When submitting the Master's thesis, a corresponding application for suspension for a period of up to 5 years must be submitted. This application must be justified in detail. The respective supervisor must give an opinion on this application. The decision is incumbent on the head of the degree programme.
The restricted works may neither be made publicly available in the library nor borrowed directly or via interlibrary loan during the suspension period. The library copies are kept locked in a suitable separate room until the end of the embargo period. The supervisors are responsible for ensuring that the copies remaining with you are carefully stored and cannot be lent or accessed by third parties. The supervisors can also hand over their specimen copies to the library for safekeeping and they will be returned to them after the expiry of the embargo period. After expiry of the embargo period, the Master's thesis is made publicly accessible.
As a public teaching and research institution, the FH Upper Austria is called upon to publish its achievements within the framework of its contest with its competitors. Last but not least, the awarding of research funding is also made dependent on the number and quality of the activities - including master's theses - of the submitting institutions. For this reason, it is important for the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria to have access to master's theses to demonstrate its scientific performance.