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Interlibrary loan and paper orders

Interlibrary Loan General

Media that are not available in the library can be ordered for users of the University of Applied Sciences via interlibrary loan from other libraries in Austria and abroad. In special cases a deposit will be fixed.

The following applies to every type of interlibrary loan:

  • Electronic resources cannot be ordered via interlibrary loan.
  • Media that are available at Wels Campus, but are currently borrowed, can not be ordered via interlibrary loan.
  • Media that are currently borrowed from a lecturer are only ordered via interlibrary loan in exceptional cases.
  • Interlibrary loan orders must be ordered via the order form without exception!
  • The interlibrary loan cannot be sent to the private address.


  • Interlibrary loan Austria: 3,00 €/Medium
  • Interlibrary loan abroad: min. 10,00€/Medium

In case of late return of interlibrary loans 5,00 € per day and per interlibrary loan will be charged!

Internal Interlibrary Loan

Costs: Free of charge

Info: Media that is marked as "not for lending" or otherwise marked as not available can't be ordered. Please order via the library search engine PRIMO

Order process:

  • Log in with your data in PRIMO and search for your medium
  • Click on the title and choose "Request"
  • Choose your pick up location
  • Optional: "Not needed after" - choose a date after which you won't need this medium anymore
  • Click on "Request" to finish your order

In your account you can check up on your order by clicking "My Request". You will get an E-Mail as soon as the medium is ready for you at the chosen Campus.

Delivery time: normally 3-7 working days

Loan period: 4 weeks (an extension is possible as long as the medium is not preordered)

Late fee: 0,10 € per medium/day

External Interlibrary Loan


Costs: 3,00 € per medium

Order process:
Before ordering, research in the Austrian Library Network Search Engine
Please order via the library search engine PRIMO

Delivery time: normally 5-10 working days

Borrowing period: Depending on the giving library (between 2-8 weeks). An extension is not possible.

Late fee: 5,00 € per medium/day


Costs: min. 10,00 € per medium

Order process:

Delivery time: normally 7-21 working days

Borrowing period: Depending on the giving library (between 2-8 weeks). An extension is not possible.

Late fee: 5,00 € per medium/day

Paper order

Journal articles which are not available at the FH OÖ in electronic or print form can be requested as paper orders. Delivery is without exception only in paper form!

Costs: 2,00 € per article

Order process: The order is to be placed without exception via the order form.

Delivery time:
normally 2-7 days.

Borrowing period: None - the delivered article belongs to you.