Databases & E-books
Licensed Databases
The following databases are provided as support for study, science and research! Please note that all databases and journals that are accessible through this site are subject to copyright laws.
Please be sure to observe the following rules:
- The access to licenced full texts and other data is restricted to the employees/students of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and users of the campus libraries.
- The full text articles are just allowed to be printed/saved for personal use and research.
- Systematical printing/saving of articles or complete issues, especially through robots, is restricted.
- Articles are not allowed to be passed on (electronically and/or in printed form) to a third person.
The association for computing Machinery (ACM) was founded 1947 as the first scientific society for computer sciences. Goal of the organisation is to boost computing and IT as an scientific area and profession. The ACM publishes and archives more than 40 publications, which are licenced in the Digital Library of the ACM (Source: ACM Fact Sheet, 2010)
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
EBSCO Business Source Premier
The Ebsco Business Source Premier provides approx. 8200 full text journals in english language. Topics: business economics, corporate management, management and economy.
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
Emerald Collections
"The world's leading publisher of management research"
- 175 full text journals
- Reviews from
- the world's top 300 management journals
- Access to over 85,000 full text management articles of the highest calibre
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
Hanser eLibrary
Hanser eLibrary is a specific offer for universities, institutions and companies.
Individual E-books of Hanser press, which are licensed by the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, can also be downloaded from home.
"’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.
IEEE, pronounced "Eye-triple-E", stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers...."
- Full text avialable for IEEE and IET journals, Transactions and Conference Proceedings, the up-to-date IEEE standards - more than one million
- the most often cited journals
- full backfile from 1950 to 1988
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
Juventa Journals / EEO
Specific for the subject social education / social work the Library of the University of Applied Sciences has licensed this database including following journals from the Juventa/Belz publisher. The contents are available as from 2008 respectively from the publication date. (German Journals!)
- Deusche Jugend
- Kriminologisches Journal
- Der pädagogische Blick
- Sozialmagazin
- Sonderpädagogische Förderung
- Unterrichtswissenschaft
- Betrifft Mädchen
- Forum Erziehungshilfen
- Migration und Soziale Arbeit
- Gemeinsam leben
- Pflege & Gesellschaft
- TUP - Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit
- Zeitschrift für Pädagogik
- ZSE Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation
- Zeitschrift für Sozialpädagogik
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
LexisNexis Online
(only available within the FH Upper Austria IP-Range)
(Note: The content language of the database is German!)
Der Zugang zu LexisNexis Online umfasst folgende Module:
- Recht Arbeitsrecht
- Steuerrecht
- Rechnungswesen
- Bilanzbuchhaltung
- Buchhaltung
Die Module umfassen Gerichtsentscheidungen (EU, Bundes-, Landes-, und Bezirksebene, VfGh, VwGh), Rechtsnormen (BGBl etc.), Rechtsnews, Fachzeitschriften sowie einen Zeitschriftenindex mit Abstracts aus weiteren Fachzeitschriften.Zusätzlich erhalten Sie noch Zugriff auf die dem jeweiligen Modul zugehörigen Kommentare und Fachbücher.
Achtung: auch innerhalb der Standorte müssen Sie sich unter Anmelden / Universitäten Fachhochschulen für den Zugang anmelden!
(just available within the FH Upper Austria IP-Range)
(Note: The content language of the database is German!)
Lindeonline Steuern besteht aus den Modulen SWK, UFSjournal und Steuerbibliothek. Zusätzlich haben Sie Zugriff auf die Steuergesetze, Arbeitsgesetze, DBA, Steuerrichtlinien, VwGH-Entscheidungen, ausgewählte OGH-Entscheidungen und UFS-Entscheidungen.
Normenlesesaal (Austrian Standards Plus)
Austrian Standards Plus provides online-access to a range of Standards which overlap several scientific fields. Licensed Austrian Standards from the following scientific fields can be found in the Normenlesesaal:
Please note the Rights of Use before using the standards.
If you want to refer to a certain standard in your Bachelor-/Masterthesis, please contact Austrian Standards Plus. You then will get the information on Copyright and terms of use.
(just available within the FH Upper Austria IP-Range)
The database contains:
approx. 5.000 E-Books, published since 1998. Around 200 new publications every year. All E-Books are published in English and French. Around 150 full text titles are available in German.
Over 20 periodicals. All journals since 1998 with a whole 500 issues and 1.200 articles. Working papers: approx. 2.500 (since 1983)
23 OECD-databases with over 4 billion entries in direct access.
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
PSXNDEXplus with Testfinder
PSYNDEX: Literature and Audiovisual Media with PSYNDEX Tests is the most comprehensive abstract database of psychological literature, audiovisual media, intervention programs, and tests from the German-speaking countries. PSYNDEXcontains two database segments: PSYNDEX Literature and Audiovisual Media with records of psychological publications from authors in the German-speaking countries, audiovisual media, and descriptions of intervention programs; PSYNDEX Tests with extensive descriptions of tests in use in the German-speaking countries.Subject coverage for PSYNDEX includes psychology, medicine, education, sociology, sport, linguistics, business management, and criminology relevant for psychology.
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
RDB Rechtsdatenbank
(just available within the FH Upper Austria IP-Range, Password protected)
(Note: The content language of the database is German!)
Die RDB Rechtsdatenbank ist in Österreich einer der führenden Anbieter von juristischen Online-Informationen für die Bereiche Recht und Steuern. Die Datenbank führt eine Vielzahl juristischer Publikationen (Fachzeitschriften, Kommentare, Festschriften, Entscheidungssammlungen, etc.) sowie Datenbankinhalte des RIS auf einer Plattform zusammen.
Die RDB stellt somit eine Informationsplattform zur Verfügung, die hoch qualitative juristische Inhalte aus österreichischer und europäischer Judikatur sowie juristische Literatur mit einem modernen Recherchesystem verknüpft.
Um Zugriff auf diese Datenbank zu erhalten, ist ein persönlicher Account notwendig!
Manz stellt für Studierende, die eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit schreiben einen Fernzugriff auf die RDB und 10 ausgewählte Online-Kommentare zur Verfügung. Mittels Formular können Sie den Zugriff direkt bei Manz anfordern! Download Antragsformular
Achtung! Der Zugang darf nur für wissenschaftliche Zwecke verwendet werden!
Sage Humanities and Social Sciences Package
Sage's HSS package provides access to over 700 journals published by Sage. Access is retroactive to CY year 1999.
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
ScienceDirect College Edition
ScienceDirect is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 books. There are currently more than 11 million articles/chapters, a content base that is growing at a rate of almost 0.5 million additions per year.
- Economic-, Communication-, and Social
- Engineering- and Natural sciences, technic, computer sciences, architecture,
- Health care, nutritional science, chemistry, biology, environmental sciences
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
Scopus is a multidisciplinary abstract and citation database for research literature and high-quality Internet sources. Scopus also provides citations of scientific articles to enable citation analysis (who cites whom, who is cited by whom).
More data on Scopus:
- 69 million literature references and abstracts from more than 22,800 peer-reviewed journals published by more than 5,000 international publishers (as of February 2018)
- daily updating
- Abstracts searchable retroactively until 1970 (partly until 1788)
- for all articles published since 1996 literature references in addition to the abstract, many of them for the first time in linked form
- Linking to full text articles and other bibliographic sources
- continuously expanded range of open-access and electronic-only journals
- continuously expanded range of Book Titles (as of early 2018: over 150,000)
Additional information can be found at:
(Source DBIS)
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
Springer-Link Portal
The libraries of the FH Upper Austria provide electronic access to approx. 900 journals of the Springer publishing company.
The remote access gives you also fulltext access for all the Springer E-Books.
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
(Note: The content language of this database is German!)
Statista ermöglicht einen einfachen und effizienten Zugang zu quantitativen Fakten. Bei Statista finden Sie Statistiken zu über 600 Branchen. Statista aggregiert für Sie die wichtigsten Statistiken und Studien von Marktforschern, Verbänden, Fachpublikationen sowie staatlichen Quellen. [Verlagsbeschreibung]
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
Taylor & Francis
The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria has now access to the Journals of "Science and Technology" and "Social Science and Humanity" domains by the publisher "Taylor & Francis".
Direct access to full texts of the articles is possible from 1997 onwards.
The following areas are covered:
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Engineering, IT and Technology
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Environment & Agriculture
- Geography
- Media and communication sciences, journalism, film and theater sciences
- Pedagogy
- Political science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Economics
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
Verlag Österreich E-Library
(just available within the FH Upper Austria IP-Range)
(Note: The content language of the database is German!)
Die eLibrary umfasst das Zeitschriftenangebot des Verlag Österreich. Der Zugang auf die Inhalte ist ab dem Jahr 2013 möglich, folgende Zeitschriftentitel sind über die eLibrary zugänglich:
- AFS - Zeitschrift für Abgaben, Finanz- und Steuerrecht
- bbl - baurechtliche Blätter
- BRZ - Zeitschrift für Beihilfenrecht
- EJM _ Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen
- euvr - Zeitschrift für europäisches Unternehmens- und Verbraucherrecht
- GES - Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht
- ICL - Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law
- JBL - Juristische Blätter
- JRP - Journal für Rechtspolitik
- JST - Journal für Strafrecht
- JST - Newsletter
- Juridikum - zeitschrift für Kritik, recht, Gesellschaft
- ÖKZ - Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht
- pm - perspektive Mediation
- RPA - Zeitschrift für Vergaberecht
- VIL - Vergabe Infoletter
- wbl - wirtschaftsrechtliche blätter
- wobl - wohnrechtliche blätter
- zfhr - Zeitschrift für Hochschulrecht
- ZFS - Zeitschrift für Stiftungswesen
- ZIR - Zeitschrift für Informationsrecht
- ZÖR - Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht
- ZRB - Zeitschrift für Recht des Bauwesens
- ZVG - Zeitschrift der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
The libraries of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria license e-books published by Wiley Verlag in the following fields:
- Computers and Computer Science
- Finance, Economy, Law
- Engineering
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Natural sciences
The e-books can also be searched using our online catalogue!
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in.
(Note: The content language of the database is German!)
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenbank, enthält auch über 1000 e-books!
Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students and staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the database link to log in