Students create a concept for optimized warehouse management at Hawle
Due to the growth of various sizes and types of containers over the years, the student project team of the Bachelor's program "Smart Production and Management" first conducted a current-state analysis.
v.l.n.r.: Nico Haider, Michael Labner, Rafaela Luchian, Andreas Müller und Johannes Kräutner (Betreuer bei Hawle)
For the status analysis, the current containers were documented, analyzed, and the employees' wishes for a new container management system were captured. Based on this analysis, recommendations for new container systems could be developed. Additionally, the material flow to the workstations was examined, and a new concept with an automated Small Load Carrier (KLT) warehouse was presented. A step towards optimized inventory management.
The SPMT project team consisted of Nico Haider, Michael Labner, Rafaela Luchian, Andreas Müller, and Johannes Kräutner (supervisor at Hawle).