Winners of the Chimney Awards 2023 | Field of Study: Process Management andBusinessIntelligence
Christian Raab erhielt heuer den begehrten Chimney Award. Der 30-Jährige aus Neuhofen an der Krems wurde für seine herausragende Studienleistung und ausgezeichnete Bachelorarbeit mit dem Chimney Award der FH OÖ Campus Steyr ausgezeichnet.
Christian Raab (30) from Neuhofen an der Krems, District Linz-Land, was honored this year with the "Chimney Award" from the FH Upper Austria Faculty of Businessand Management at the Steyr Campus. As a graduate of the Process Management andBusinessIntelligence (PMBI) program at the FH Upper Austria Faculty of Businessand Management in Steyr, he was one of only six students in the entire graduating class to receive the award for outstanding performance and an exceptional thesis.
About his studies: "I was looking for a program with a focus on businessand digitalization, and that's where the 'Process Management andBusinessIntelligence' program best matched my interests. I was excited about the cutting-edge content that combines businessand IT in the program. These are precisely the skills that businesses are looking for and will be even more in demand in the future."
Bachelor's Thesis: Identification and Preparation of ERP Data to Predict Delivery Delays in the Supply Chain of Manufacturing Industry / How to identify and prepare suitable data from ERP systems to predict delivery delays?
"I wrote my bachelor's thesis in collaboration with an Upper Austrian industrial company. The special challenge in my work was to identify relevant data from the company's vast data pool. I was supported in this task through interviews with experts from the company who provided their knowledge about delivery delays. With insights from the interviews and extensive data preparation and analysis, several connections between the data and delivery delays were discovered."