Dominik Hager: Absolvent der Studiengänge MEB (Bachelor) und SCM (Master), Gründer und CEO des Start-ups CEDRAT GmbH & CO KG
Why did you decide to study at Campus Steyr back then?
At that time, Campus Steyr was a pioneer with the "E-Business" degree program!
Your start-up
CEDRAT is an online agency that focuses on growth marketing. We help companies to realize and grow with the help of digital marketing ideas.
After graduating in e-business, I became self-employed in 2011 and started supporting companies in developing their online marketing strategy. CEDRAT GmbH & CO KG was then founded in 2018. We have made it our mission to make it easier for companies to access digital technologies in marketing and to convey an understanding of how business models can be further developed as a result.
How did the idea and concept for the start-up come about?
Companies often have a problem when it comes to developing their own marketing andbusiness model with the help of digital technologies. There is usually a lack of technical or marketing expertise within the company. At the same time, it is difficult for companies to find an agency that speaks both. And it is precisely this gap that we want to close: We help companies to plan, design and implement digital marketing solutions. We provide the digital vitamin C for company growth, so to speak.
What exactly does your start-up do and what is special about your business idea?
We combine business model development with digital marketing.
What important recommendations or tips would you give founders and young entrepreneurs?
My tip for founders is to be open to input, try out ideas and don't get discouraged if it doesn't work straight away. After all, the great thing about today's world is that the chances of success for business ideas can often be tested without large investments thanks to the internet. If you have a business idea, you should not over-engineer it, but consider how you can test a business case quickly and easily with the help of the www. This will quickly show whether the idea really has potential.