Scientific Research - Infos and Tips

This is a collection of useful information and tips to support your research and studies.

Ein Mann blättert durch eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift.
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Scientific work

The guidelines for citation and structure of your work (BA/MA thesis) are specific to your study program. You can find the guidelines provided in moodle.
The library has many different books regarding scientific writing style and much more. Ask us or check out the library search engine!


How to use the library services effectively.

An overview on our licenced databases.

Use the Inter Library Loan (for books) and document delivery (for articles) if you need media that is not available at FH Upper Austria libraries.
Start here: Search engine of the Austrian library network
More search engines: KVK Catalog a world-wide library catalog, WorldCat (Focus on US libraries)

Use the library research classes to learn more. Ask for individual dates/small group dates any time!

FH Compass: Lots of information about life, learning and orientation at the FH, in the “Learning” section there is a lot of helpful information, tips and podcasts on topics such as learning strategies, test anxiety, self-management, studying and work/family, and much more.

Reference management, knowledge management and other helpful programs


Citavi is a literature reference management database that helps you stay organized and quickly cite your needed literature.

FH Upper Austria students can download the licensed program ("Citavi Web and Desktop")
Choose: "W" -> Wels -> Fachhochschule Oberösterreich and click: "Ich bin StudentIn"
How to use Citavi: Video Tutorials
Citavi Web can also be used by non-Windows operating systems (e.g. MacOS).

Unipark survey software

The FH Upper Austria has licensed the Unipark survey software. To create an account please follow the instructions:
Send an email with the following data to

First and Last Name
E-Mail address
Team name (The team name should be as meaningful as possible (i.e. not FH Steyr) and consist of 1-2 words or abbreviations. A name is required even if the "team" consists of only one person.)

SPSS Software
Students can obtain the SPSS software at reduced prices. There is currently no direct way to obtain SPSS licenses from the FH. However, we are working on a solution for this.

Transcription Feature in Microsoft Word
Information about this feature in MS word

Google Scholar Library Integration
Click on "Settings" at the top left and then on "Library Links". Enter "University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria" and select the library. When searching in Google Scholar, it will now show on the right side whether the FH OÖ Libraries have licensed online access. You will be redirected to PRIMO or directly to the full text. Log in with your credentials at the top right to gain access. Note: The print collection is not covered – a direct search in PRIMO is still recommended!

Article: Predatory publishers and journals
When publishing your work is a bad idea

Journal Ratings

Plagiarism Scan

The ÖH (Student Union) of the FH OÖ offers a plagiarism check. Here you will find all information about it.

You can find many scan softwares online (partly free or for a fee).
Here are a few examples:


Bookbinders (for your BA/MA theses)

Every study program has a guideline on the information that has to be put on the binding.

We recommend the following bookbinders:

Bindewerk Eichenauer (Steyr)
Buchbinderei Strandl (Linz)