Library Rules

The library is accessible for all members of the UAS Upper Austria (= employees and students), its alumni and all interested external persons. Electronic resources can be accessed from all computers within the campus network. Further information: 1.9 Electronic resources - terms of use.

1.1. Contact, opening hours, library search engine

Christa Meisinger, Tel.: +43 5 0804 21521
Mag.a Susanna Mersits, Tel.: +43 5 0804 24020

Opening hours:
Link to the opening hours

The library is closed during holiday times and in exceptional cases on prior notice.

Library search engine PRIMO
Link to PRIMO

1.2 Conduct guidelines

The library facilities are to be used for studying purposes. All library users are requested to behave considerately, also with regard to hygiene and safety. Any misbehaviour that interferes with library service (e.g. eating, drinking, telephone conversations, listening to music, bringing pets etc.) is prohibited. In the case of repeated disruptive behaviour, the users can be prohibited from using the library. The library is not liable for the loss or damage to any property taken into the library.

Library users are responsible for obeying all copyright and ownership issues in regards to the duplication of media and other contents.

1.3 Checking out resources

Library materials may only be checked out in person with an official piece of identification. Library usage is free of charge for all members of the FH Upper Austria. Full-time staff of the Faculty of Informatics, Communications and Media have unlimited access to library materials required for current teaching and research activities. If one of these materials is currently checked-out and needs to be accessed by a student, a request can be filed with the librarian. Part-time staff may borrow materials until the end of the respective semester. Access to the library for non-institutional members is decided on a case-by-case basis and requires a deposit. Without exception, no access to Diploma / Master's theses with restricted access will be granted during the blocking period.

Standard period of loan

  • Books: 2 weeks, 4 weeks for master thesis students
  • Diploma / Master's theses: 4 weeks
  • DVDs, CD-ROMs: 1 week
  • Journals: 1 week

Maximum number of loans

  • Standard: 10 resources
  • Master thesis students: 20 resources

1.4 Extension of loan period

If no reservation has been made for the material in question, the loan period can be extended for two additional weeks (or up to four weeks for master thesis students) provided that this is done before the due date. It is not possible to extend the loan period for CD-ROMs, DVDs, theses, and journals.

Renewals can be made independently in the library search engine PRIMO under “Anmelden/Sign In”.

In special cases, library personnel may request borrowed items to be returned before the original due date.

1.5 Return

Resources have to be returned or extended independently before the return date without waiting for a return reminder.

1.6 Late fee

A late fee of 10 cents per day and media will be charged. An extension of the loan period is no longer possible after it has expired.

1.7. Damage or loss of media

All library property must be treated with care. In the event a resource is damaged or lost, the library staff shall decide whether and in which form the media has to be replaced. The borrower will be charged for any extra costs. When reproducing media, users are responsible for compliance with existing copyright regulations. The Library assumes no liability for damages resulting from the use of the media provided.

1.8 Resource requests

Requests for resources can be done via library search engine PRIMO. Users will be notified by e-mail as soon as the items become available. Requested items have to be collected within one week.

1.9 Electronic resources - terms of use

All content accessible via the UAS Upper Austria library webpages is subject to the provisions of copyright law. The terms of use must therefore be strictly adhered to. Access to licensed full texts and all other data is granted solely to members of FH Upper Austria (staff & students) and library users. Search results lists and full text articles may only be printed out or saved for personal use and/or for research purposes only. Systematic printing or saving of articles or complete volumes, especially by robots, is prohibited. Articles may not be passed on to third parties either electronically or in printed form.

1.10 Inter library loan

Inter-library loan is exclusively reserved for members of the FH Upper Austria. Conditions for inter-library loans (periods, lending possibilities) follow the guidelines of the supplying library. For inter-library loan orders among Austrian networked libraries, a fee of € 3.00 is charged; for inter-library loan orders outside Austrian networked libraries min € 10.00. For paper orders, the costs incurred are clarified in advance. Inter library loan requests may also be refused for reasons of cost or capacity.

1.11 Release from liability after leave

If students officially leave the university for any reason (e.g. after graduation or dropping out) they will receive their certificates only after they have been released from liability, i.e. after all library resources have been returned.

1.12 Data Protection

The following personal data of our library users are processed: name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, gender, study programme/registration number, items borrowed/deadlines/fees, campus/location etc.. This is required for the administration of the library. Personal data are recorded in the library system and processed for the administration of media (procurement, borrowing, returns, reminders etc.). The data are transferred to the Austrian Library Network and Service Ltd, Vienna/Austria (OBVSG), which hosts the library system.

The library saves personal data at least for the duration of study and / or employment at the FH Upper Austria and for longer, if necessary, in accordance with point (f) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR, to be able to access the relevant student's / employee’s borrowing history to provide them with information. Personal data of external readers are deleted 3 years after their last activity.

Further information can be found in our Privacy Statement at