Digital Library

In addition to our library search engine PRIMO, the FH Upper Austria libraries have licensed around 20 databases that enable you to find further information, articles, data and facts.

The databases should be searched in addition to PRIMO.

Ein gedrucktes Buch und ein Laptop sind miteinander verbunden.

Essentials about Research and (Remote-)Access


The library search engine PRIMO searches the licenced contents of nearly all our purchased databases if you choose the search option "CatalogPlus".
Sign In to PRIMO with your FH Upper Austria account to gain access to the full texts.
Registering in PRIMO gives you direct access to the electronic media listed in PRIMO, including remote access (= outside the FH).


Some (few) databases licenced by the FH Upper Austria are not or not completely listed in PRIMO. If you want to search in one of these databases, you will be given access via the access link provided in the respective database title. If you search remotely (= outside the FH), you will also be asked to log in with your FH OÖ account.
A comprehensive full text search is currently only possible via the search in the individual databases.

ACM Digital Library

The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing the full text collection of all publications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) including journals, conference proceedings, transactions, magazines, newsletters and books.

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

IEEE Xplore Digital Library / IEEE Electronic Library (IEL)

The IEEE Xplore Digital Library contains full text documents from IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) journals, magazines, transactions, conference proceedings, and standards. It also includes content from select other publishers such as the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). The full text (PDF) coverage is dating back at least until 1988 (selected parts until 1913).

Information about the content (from the provider)

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

OECD [freely available]

OECD Publications is the freely accessible online platform of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring "one of the world's largest and most reliable sources of internationally comparable socio-economic and environmental statistics" as well as its blogs, videos & podcasts.

OECD Publications also contains content published by the International Energy Acency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF).

How to use? 

SAGE Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Package

The SAGE Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Package provides acces to 750+ journals in the humanities and social sciences fields. Complimentary access back to 1999, where available, while a current subscription is maintained.

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

ScienceDirect College Edition

The ScienceDirect College Edition provides online access to around 1960 journals published by Elsevier. It contains four information packages (collections) from the following subject areas:

1. economics and finance, business, management and accounting, social sciences, psychology, arts and humanities (Social Sciences & Humanities)
2. engineering, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, energy, earth and planetary sciences, physics and astronomy (Physical Sciences & Engineering)
3. medicine and dentistry, nursing and health professions, pharmacology, vetenary science and vetenary medicine (Health Sciences)
4. agricultural and biological sciences, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, immunology and microbiology, neuroscience (Life Sciences)

ScienceDirect Support Center

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.


Scopus® is a source-neutral abstract & citation database with over 29,200 active serial titles from more than 7,000 international publishers. Scopus delivers an overview of the world's research output in the fields of Natural Sciences, Technology, Medicine and Health Sciences, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities.


  • Abstracts are searchable dating back to 1970 (partly back to 1788)
  • All published articles since 1996 are provided with cross references, many for the first time in a linked format
  • Links to full text articles and other bibliographical sources
  • Daily updates
  • Open access and e-only journals (titles expanded regularly)
  • Over 330,000 books (as of January 2024; titles expanded regularly)

Scopus Quick Reference Guide

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

SpringerLink Portal

The libraries of the FH Upper Austria offer electronic full-text access to approx. 2,150 journals from the Springer publishing house via SpringerLink.

The Springer e-books licensed by the FH Upper Austria are also accessible via the portal. The following e-book packages in English and German are constantly being expanded:

Business and Management
Professional and Applied Computing

Energy Technik und Informatik
Sozialwissenschaften u. Recht
Erziehungswissenschaf & Soziale Arbeit

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

Statista (not in PRIMO)

Statista bundles statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources on four platforms: German, English, French and Spanish.
All relevant statistics on a specific topic are summarized in dossiers. For each statistic, the available metadata such as source, publication date, number of respondents, etc. are published, making the information verifiable.

Getting started (Instructions from the provider)

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

Austrian Standards plus Normenlesesaal (not in PRIMO)

The "Lesesaal" (reading room) of Austrian Standards plus offers read-only access to selected standards packages of Austrian Standards plus.

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

Business Source Elite [via EBSCOhost]

Business Source Elite is a database of the information provider EBSCO Information Services. EBSCO Business Source Elite analyzes over 7,500 business and economics journals and magazines, of which over 1,000 publications are accessible in full text. In addition, more than 10,100 company profiles from Datamonitor are also included.

Title list

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

Emerald Insight Journals

Via emerald insight, the FH Uppper Austria offers full-text access to all Emerald journals, centering around topics such as:

Accounting, Finance & Economics, Business Management & Strategy, Engineering, HR, Learning & Oganization Studies, Information & Knowledge Management, Marketing, Property Management & Built Environment, Public Policy & Environmental Management, Transport

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

Taylor & Francis Online

The FH Upper Austria has licensed the two journal packages Science and Technology Library and Social Science and Humanities Library on Taylor & Francis Online. Direct access to full texts of articles is possible from 1997 onwards.
Featured disciplines (among others) are: Engineering, Computing & Technology, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics, Sport Science & Medicine, Arts & Humanities, Business, Management & Economics, Education, Media, Cultural & Communication Studies, Psychology, Sociology & Related Disciplines.

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online Library is an interdisciplinary publishing portal that offers a variety of primary sources under one interface: electronic journals, books and book series, as well as reference works from the publisher Wiley / Wiley-VCH.

Remote Access: FH Upper Austria students & staff can access the database remotely. Please follow the link in the database title to log in.

Terms of use

All content accessible from these pages is subject to the provisions of copyright law.

The terms of use must therefore be strictly adhered to:

  • Access to licensed full texts and all other data is granted solely to members of FH Upper Austria (staff & students) and library users.
  • Search result lists and full text articles may only be printed out or saved for your own personal use and/or for research purposes only.
  • Systematic printing or saving of articles or complete volumes, especially by robots, is prohibited.
  • Articles may not be passed on to third parties either electronically or in printed form.