Just as every year, the Diversity Day Photo Challenge was announced and this year asking for pictures connected to "Diversity and organisational agility".
(c) Jasmin Julia Proier
In total 45 photos submitted by 21 students and colleagues reached the jury. MMag.a Sophie Wiesinger FHProf.in Dr.in Lisa-Maria Putz-Egger BSc MA and FHProf.in Mag.a Dr.in Christine Ebner nominated the best 9 photos which were then presented at the Diversity Day. All participants then had the chance to vote online for their favourites. The first three places can be seen below.
Thank you very much for the many great photos which reached us and congratulations to our winners!
Place 1: Jasmin Julia Proier
Gewohnte Prozesse werden unterbrochen, angepasst oder neu aufgesetzt. Gruppenprojekte werden meist über kollaborative Systeme bewältigt. Distanz zu unseren Projektmitgliedern zu wahren und dennoch eng zusammenzuarbeiten ist eine Herausforderung. Wir haben uns angepasst, alte Herangehensweisen überdacht, sind aber keine Einzelkämpfer*innen geworden.
Place 2: Everts Kistkins
Colours, lights, and shadows
Elements illuminating flags of countries we come from: Latvia, Georgia, Sweden, Lithuania, Ukraine, Taiwan, and the USA. But does the country you originally come from define who you really are? Does it put you in a box of cultural stereotypes?
“What unites us, is greater than what divides us.”— Pope John XXIII
Countries we traveled, countries we lived in, and experiences we made, shaped us into the unique individuals we are today. And it gave us the means of identifying with one another. We are grateful for this project igniting the aspiration to connect and create something beautiful together.
Place 3: Mario Kassin
Socks are for everyone. The image displays the diversity of socks and that there is an admirable pair for each and every individual out there.