Women's Network@FH OÖ
The event series "Frauennetzwerk@FHOÖ" ("Women'sNetwork@FHOÖ") was coined to connect all employees of the FHOÖ, no matter which profession, and give them a platform where they could exchange ideas and experiences. The main target audience are women working in administration, research and teaching, but male colleagues are very welcome as well and we are glad that the events are well booked by all our colleagues.
The format of the event series consists of perspective's talks alternating with presentations to various topics which take place two times per year. Dr.in Silke Preymann (scientific management Diversity Management FH OÖ) and Mag.a Bernadette Spiesberger (Head of Human Ressources Management and Development) arrange and moderate the event series.
As most of these events are held in German, you can find additional information as well as previous events on our German website!

Frauennetzwerk März 2022