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Let's Talk About It

Let's talk about it!” is GDM-K's new format for students at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. Every other month there is a new talk on a relevant topic for students: one hour, online via Teams, without registration, just click in and join in! After a short presentation by experts on the respective topic, there will be enough time for questions, answers and discussion. For more information, check out the German page!

Applying for jobs in Austria: Career Advice for international students

We cordially invite all students of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria to our “Let's talk about it!” session on Thursday, June 5, 2025 with Vanessa Prüller.

We will talk about how to approach the job search as an international student. Where should I start looking? How do I find a suitable position? And how do I apply for it?

The lecture will be held in English.

We are looking forward to many interested participants!

The Power of Antifragility: Navigating Life’s Uncertainties with Confidence

We cordially invite all students of the FH OÖ to our fourth “Let's talk about it!"-session on Tuesday, April 4, 2024 with Elke Pichler, Partner at MagnoliaTree, Facilitator & Coach.

This interactive session goes beyond theoretical discussions, offering practical tools and strategies that you can apply directly to your live. Learn how to turn difficulty into advantage, increase resilience, and nurture a mindset that welcomes change as an impulse for growth. Whether navigating personal hurdles or uncertainties at university, discover how to apply the principles of antifragility to come out stronger and more adaptable. What doesn't break you can indeed make you stronger – let’s figure out how.

The event will be in English.

Participation is free of charge, no registration is necessary.

We are looking forward to many interested participants.

Going into 2024 with gratitude. Seeking positive perspectives amidst life challenges

We cordially invite all students of the FH OÖ to our second “Let's talk about it!"-session on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 with Gerry Hubmer B.S., lecturer at Steyr Campus, and fellow FH OÖ students sharing their experience:

FH OÖ invites all students to join online as we conclude the year and reflect on the events and experiences of 2023 with gratitude. Engage in a meaningful conversation led by Professor Gerry Hubmer and fellow FH OÖ students, where we will explore ways to cultivate a positive perspective amidst life challenges.

The event will be in English.

Participation is free of charge, no registration is necessary. We are looking forward to many interested participants.