Call for Papers
The Programme Committee invites you to participate at the Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography and submit your abstracts!
The abstracts of all accepted contributions will be published in the book of abstracts. Papers will be available online on - Open Access Archive of Nondestructive Testing ISSN 1435-4934 ( Highly ranked contributions will be selected to be part in a Special Issue of a journal for nondestructive testing.
Accepted Topics
- CT for non-destructive testing of metals, plastics, composites, ceramics and other materials
- Application of CT in automotive-, aerospace- and material industry
- CT as a tool for the development of new materials and components
- CT for 3D material characterisation
- Geometry determination with macro- and micro-CT
- Initial sampling inspection and reverse engineering
- Evaluation and visualisation of CT data
- New algorithms and software tools for the evaluation and visualisation of CT data
- Correction and filter methods for the improvement of CT results
- Quantitative evaluations for CT data
- Standardisation of CT
- New CT methods for high resolution, energy dispersive and fast CT
- Synchrotron-CT methods
- New developments in CT instrument technology including X-ray detectors and sources
- Phase contrast and grating interferometer CT
Acceptance Tracks & Review
The submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the Programme Commitee. If a paper is accepted by the Programme Committee, the authors will receive a notification 2 months after the abstract submission deadline. On acceptance a full paper is mandatory. There are four different types of acception:
Talk* + Paper
- Talk* - The acceptance comprises a talk during the Conference. The duration of a presentation will be limited to 15 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion.
- Paper - Upon acceptance, the authors have to deliver a mandatory full paper for the online proceedings of the conference. See the guidelines for more details.
Talk* + Journal Paper
- Talk* - The acceptance comprises a talk during the Conference. The duration of a presentation will be limited to 15 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion.
- Paper - Upon acceptance, the authors have to deliver a mandatory full paper for further peer-review. See the guidelines for more details.
Poster + Paper + Short Talk*
Short Talk - Those accepted for a poster presentation may hold a short talk of 5 minutes prior to the poster presentation.
Poster - Please upload your poster before the conference. We will take care of printing and mounting it for you. Therefore an electronic submission is mandatory. The maximum poster size is A0 in portrait format. The acceptance comprises discussions at the poster with the author during the poster session.
Paper - Upon acceptance, the authors have to deliver a mandatory full paper. See the guidelines for more details.
Poster + Paper
Poster - Please upload your poster before the conference. We will take care of printing and mounting it for you. Therefore an electronic submission is mandatory. The maximum poster size is A0 in portrait format. The acceptance comprises discussions at the poster with the author during the poster session.
Paper - Upon acceptance, the authors have to deliver a mandatory full paper. See the guidelines for more details.
*Talk: The use of personal laptops is not allowed.
Guidelines & Templates
Extended Abstract for Review
The paper size is A4.
The extended abstract should contain a maximum of 2 pages and will be provided in a book of abstracts during the conference to the participants.
Structure the contribution into chapters or only use the abstract paragraph.
Selected authors will be notified after a review of this extended abstracts by the program commitee.
The document must be uploaded as PDF file at
For the abstract submission you must name the person who will be presenting the contribution at the conference. This name will be included in the Conference Programme Folder. Changes can only be considered on the conference website.
Paper Submission for - iCT Conference Paper
Upon acceptance, the authors have to deliver a mandatory full paper for the online proceedings of the conference. Submitted papers must be camera-ready and conform to the format specified in the templates and the instructions:
The paper should contain 5-10 pages. The paper size is A4.
Use the template of the extended abstract.
The full paper has to be written in accordance with the iCT paper guidelines.
The paper has to be uploaded as PDF at
It will be published in the digital iCT conference proceedings on
By submitting a paper for publishing in the proceedings I agree to the following publication license: Copyright 2026 – by the Authors. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Journal Paper
Maximal size A0 portrait.
Please upload your poster before the conference. We will take care of printing and mounting it for you. Therefore an electronic submission is mandatory. The maximum poster size is A0 in portrait format.. The acceptance comprises discussions at the poster with the author during the poster session.
Presentation Slides
Microsoft Office365 is installed on the presentation laptop.
Your presentation may include videos and animations.
All main/important Codecs and Players are supported.
The beamer resolution is 1920 x 1200 pixel (16:10).
Please note that the abstract/paper submission or acceptance notification does not go hand in hand with the registration for participation to the conference!
For a final acceptance of the contribution, the "presenting author" must register by 15 November 2025, at the latest
Use the following template:
Paper Submission for
I case your abstracts has been accepted you can submit the full paper here. Note that papers are mandatory for accepted contributions..
Please see the guidelines for the paper submission.
Notice: Copyright 2024 - by the Authors. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Paper Submission for Journal