Michael Hava, Mitglied des Standardization Committee of C++ und Gründungsmitglied der österreichischen C++-Arbeitsgruppe, gibt einen Einblick in das Thema C++ Type Erasure.
Abstract: C++ has had language support for runtime polymorphism ever since the introduction of the virtual keyword. Unfortunately said support has been entangled with „reference semantics“ and is essentially incompatible with the concept of regularity as popularized by the STL.
The „Type Erasure“ idiom enables the creation of polymorphic value types. Whilst lacking direct language support, it is an essential tool every advanced C++ user should be aware of as it enables loosely coupled designs.
This talk will present the basic techniques, explain the interaction with concepts and touch on why C++26 will have four distinct polymorphic function wrappers.
Michael Hava, MSC
Member of the Standardization Committee of C++ and founding member of the Austrian C++ working group
Wann: Mi, 6. November 2024, 18:00 Uhr
Wo: FH OÖ Campus Hagenberg - Atikon HS4
Vortragssprache: Deutsch
Im Anschluss an den Vortrag lädt RISC-Software zu einem kleinen Imbiss ein.
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